01/19/2007 OHR / EUSR

Schwarz-Schilling: SAA Signature and Constitutional Reform Priorities for BiH’s New Authorities


Meeting the requirements for signing a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union and implementing constitutional reform should be the top priorities forBosnia and Herzegovina’s new authorities, the High Representative and EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, told a roundtable organised by Germany’s Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Sarajevo today.

Mr Schwarz-Schilling stressed that police reform, public broadcasting reform and improved cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia were key requirements for concluding an SAA with the European Union.

“In addition, we would like to see progress on constitutional reform, so as to transform the Dayton Peace Agreement, which was designed to end the war, into a modern, European Constitution with effective decision-making mechanisms, a clear division of competences between the state level and lower levels of government, as well as a sustainable system of protection of human rights,” he said.

Addressing the planned OHR transition, Mr Schwarz-Schilling said that, whatever the decision on the exact timing of this transition, the new Office of the European Union Special Representative would stand ready to assist the domestic institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road to Europe.

“It is clear, however, that Bosnia and Herzegovina ’s long-term future in Europe will depend on a Constitution that meets European standards, which are fixed and cannot be adapted to Bosnia and Herzegovina ’s realities,” he said.