Thank you for being here.
As I said earlier, our discussions have been extremely useful.
The main areas of discussion were transition and the reform agenda, in particular those reforms necessary to sign a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union.
As you are aware, this was the last meeting of
In reviewing their decision to close the OHR, Political Directors would be assessing carefully the situation in both
Leaders of all political parties represented in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and
Political Directors emphasised to them the importance of building coalitions and forming governments both to live up to their responsibilities to the citizens of
More than two months after the 1 October elections, governments at the State and Federation level are yet to be formed and the reform process is blocked.
Political Directors also urged
The Police Reform Directorate is currently finalising its report.
Political Directors believed that the proposals developed so far by the Police Reform Directorate provide a sound basis for real, lasting reform of the police in line with the three EU principles.
The Steering Board called for constructive talks among the political parties in order to facilitate the work of the Directorate and adoption of its proposals.
Political Directors congratulated
The authorities of
This means playing a proactive role in apprehending all indicted war criminals, especially Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, and in dismantling their support networks.
We also discussed the importance of constitutional reform to provide the country with an effective structure that would allow
The Steering Board continues to stand behind the early adoption of the first package of constitutional amendments agreed by the six political parties in March. This offers a positive first step in a longer-term process that will help
The Steering Board also expressed support for both my work and that of the United States to facilitate constitutional reform, and welcomed the commitment of the European Union and the United States to work together to support a further phase of constitutional reform.
If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.