The International Community can help Bosnia and Herzegovina get back on the road to recovery – if BiH leaders pull back from confrontation and return to a constructive agenda, High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko said today during a meeting with German Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere.
“The EU and the International Community as a whole have reiterated their commitment to supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina’s development as a secure and sovereign democracy,” the HR/EUSR said. “And we will approach this task in a dynamic, not a passive way.”
The HR/EUSR paid tribute to Germany for its initiative to mediate in the search for consensus on constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and he stressed that “as a key member of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board and a country that has close and long-standing ties with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany can play a particularly important role in the International Community’s effort to help this country out of its present difficulties.”