04/22/2023 OHR

Public Information Campaign „Pravna sigurnost je zakon“

An acceptable and sustainable resolution of the issue of apportionment of property between the State and other levels of government is one of the five objectives set by the Peace Implementation Council in the “Agenda 5+2,” for the purpose of achieving the long-term goal of BiH as a peaceful and sustainable country firmly on course towards European integration.

For 28 years, a decision on resolving the issue of state property by the BiH institutions and politicians has been pending. Solving this issue provides legal certainty, thereby creating an environment for domestic and foreign investors, leading to economic growth (growth of tourism, agriculture, small and medium-sized companies…) and the creation of new jobs, which contributes to higher public revenues, which leads to better services for citizens.

With the intention to remind the BiH public about this obligation, and highlight why it is necessary to resolve this issue as soon as possible, in April 2023, the Office of the High Representative commissioned a public information campaign with the title “Pravna sigurnost je zakon” (wordplay meaning both “Legal security is law” and “Legal security rules”).

With a series of infographics and animations aired on social and electronic media, we intend to remind and inform citizens across Bosnia and Herzegovina about what the state property issue entails and how it should be resolved to achieve long-term legal certainty and utilize state property to serve the wellbeing of all citizens.

Animations and infographics are available at: (local language versions only)

Together with the campaign, the Office of the High Representative has, with support from the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board, initiated an expert consultation process that should result in a set of expert opinions and information to facilitate a solution of the state property issue in the BiH Parliamentary Assembly. In this sense, a working group was formed consisting of local and international legal experts.