02/02/2001 OHR Sarajevo

Privatization in the Brcko District


Ambassador Gary Matthews, Deputy High Representative and Supervisor of Brcko, has sent a letter to Mr. Dragan Covic, Acting Prime Minister of the Federation B&H, and Mr. Mladen Ivanic, Prime Minister of the Republika Srpska, in regard to privatization in the Brcko District of B&H. In accordance with Supervisor’s authority under the Interim and Final Awards for Brcko a plan was developed for the privatization of public-, state-, and socially-owned companies located in the Brcko District. As agreed within the International Community at the Economic Task Force and the Inter-Agency Group on Privatization, the main elements of this plan are the following:

  • Companies, which are of strategic importance for the economic development of the Brcko District, will be privatized by cash tender by the District Government and with the Supervisor’s approval. Vouchers or Certificates will be used for no more than 33% of the capital of these enterprises.
  • All other companies will be privatized by the entities in accordance with Entity legislation but taking into consideration the interests of the Brcko District.

In this respect, the following sixteen companies located in the Brcko District are identified as strategic: Bimal, Grafam, Majevica, Pirometal, Bimex, Interplet, Mibo, Hotel “Revena”, Biljana, Mladost, Tesla, Bosnaplod, Impex, Palis and the two Laser Bus companies.

Registration of Vouchers and Certificates for these companies is ongoing while tenders have already been published. The entities’ privatization agencies need to stop the registration of certificates in the aforementioned companies until such time as further discussion with OHR-North are held.