07/25/2005 OHR Sarajevo

Politicians have the opportunity to lead reform


Following informal discussions with party leaders the BiH Prime Minister, Adnan Terzic and the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, have invited those parties that took part in the Vlasic talks to attend a meeting in Sarajevo on Tuesday, 26 July. The meeting should determine what work needs to take place over the summer period to ensure that a framework agreement on police restructuring is reached.   

“The overarching objective endorsed by all BiH politicians is setting BiH irreversibly on the road to the EU. The engagement of BiH’s leading political parties in these discussions thus far has been commendable. If they are to keep their promise to the electorate, if they are to show leadership of the type that is required to take BiH in to the EU without a High Representative or his  Bonn powers, towards full scaled democracy, then they  should seize the opportunity before us” said the High Representative today.

Police restructuring remains the last major obstacle ahead of Bosnia and Herzegovina ‘s negotiations on SAA with the EU.

“We now have the opportunity to take a decisive step forward. Any agreement reached will have to endorsed by the entity Parliaments:  This endorsement must come before mid September   if BiH is to have any chance to begin SAA talks with the EU by the time of the 10th Anniversary of Dayton , ”  said the High Representative.