12/08/2022 OHR

PIC SB Political Directors begin session in Sarajevo

Political Directors of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board (SB) began their two-day session in Sarajevo with a discussion on the state of rule of law in BiH. Guests at the session are the Court of BiH President Ranko Debevec, BiH Chief Prosecutor Milanko Kajganić, and President of the BiH High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council Halil Lagumdžija.

During the two-day session, the PIC SB will discuss key challenges in BiH following the conclusion of the 2022 General Elections: swift formation of authorities, political cohesion, rule of law, institution-building, and European integration. “Trust in the institutions of the state is the cornerstone of effective government. Those responsible must ensure true entrenchment of the rule of law,” said the High Representative Christian Schmidt at the beginning of the PIC SB session.

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