10/13/2004 Mostar

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference in Mostar


OHR is very discouraged with the yesterday vote at the BIH PA HoR The draft public broadcasting system law as endorsed by the Parliament Committee showed improvements, however, it still falls short of EC Feasibility Study requirements in some key areas. Further amendments were necessary to bring the compliance with the Feasibility study requirements i.e. to create a single, self-sustainable public broadcasting system where constituent broadcasters share a common infrastructure.

This is also about costs. The amendments were also aimed at reducing costs and make better value out of subscription fee paid by the citizens. OHR is disappointed since RS delegates, joined by HDZ, rejected the required amendments altogether. OHR is also disappointed since a demand for creation of a three national broadcasters remained on the agenda despite clear message from the European Commission and OHR that such a demand is not in line with the Feasibility Study andDayton.

This is a serious setback to the feasibility study process.  One thing is very clear: Europe can afford to wait, but BiH can not.