07/27/2006 OHR Banja Luka

OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka


The Law on conflict of interest should be changed by September

Senior Deputy High Representative, Peter Bas-Backer, met this week with FBiH Prime Minister Ahmed Hadzipasic and RS Minister of Administration and Local Government, Nebojsa Radmanovic, to discuss a concrete plan for adopting the amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest.

“It is obvious that we have very limited time for the Transfer Agreement to be signed by both PMs, adopted by entity Parliaments, and then to go through the Parliament procedure at the State level. However, given the importance that the amended Law becomes applicable from the beginning of the new Assembly mandate of Cantons, Entities and State, I am convinced that it is worth making extra-efforts.” said Ambassador Bas-Backer.

Doing this on time will require co-operation from all levels of government: the RS Government needs to complete the entity procedure in as early in August as possible and FBiH should complete its part this week. CoM then has a role to play in forwarding to parliament expeditiously, in order to ensure the State Parliament adopts the amendments in September. “The stronger and more transparent accountability system  will be in place for the  new elected officials  throughout BiH,  if the current Government and parliamentarians work for it efficiently. Transfer of competencies to facilitate fight against corruption will be supported by citizens of both entities” concluded the Senior Deputy High Representative Peter Bas-Backer.