Odjel za razvoj medija
Interim Decision Concerning the Governing Bodies of the Public Broadcasting System of BiH
Recalling the Decision on Restructuring of the Public Broadcasting System in Bosnia and Herzegovina issued on 30 July 1999 by the High Representative (Official Gazette of BiH, no. 14/99) establishing the Public Broadcasting System in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Further recalling that in the Second Decision on Restructuring the Public Broadcasti [...]
Further recalling that in the Second Decision on Restructuring the Public Broadcasti [...]
Decision on the Liquidation of the Public Enterprise Radio and Television of BiH
Recalling the Decision on Restructuring of the Public Broadcasting System in Bosnia and Herzegovina issued on 30 July 1999 by the High Representative (Official Gazette of BiH, no. 14/99) establishing the Public Broadcasting System in Bosnia and Herzegovina and anticipating the transfer of the entire property and obligations from the Public Enterpri [...]
Free Media Help Line Annual Report
The Free Media Help Line has been established with the aim of fostering the protection of journalists' rights and promoting freedom of expression. It is an organization that deals with and responds to problems of journalists and media outlets BiH-wide.
The Free Media Help Line is a telephone line especially created for journalists who have b [...]
The Free Media Help Line is a telephone line especially created for journalists who have b [...]
Free Media Help Line Statistics
In the time period 1999- March 2003, the total number of 342 cases has been registered and responded to.
In the time period 1 January- 24 March 2003, thirteen cases have been filed with the FMHL.
In the time period 1 January- 24 March 2003, thirteen cases have been filed with the FMHL.
Upozorenje Linije za pomoć novinarima u vezi s opstruiranjem rada medija
Tokom predizborne kampanje Linija za pomoć novinarima je registrirala povećan broj slučajeva opstruiranja rada medija. Opstruiranje rada novinara zaposlenih u medijima se obično pojavljuje u vidu fizičkih napada, zastrašivanja, prijetnji, pritisaka na medije putem zvaničnih institucija i uništavanja ili kra [...]
Linija za pomoć novinarima osuđuje nedavne napade na novinare
Linija za pomoć novinarima osuđuje nedavni istup člana BOSS-a u Zastupničkom domu Federacije BiH, Mirnesa Ajanovića, koji je za cilj imao ličnu diskreditaciju novinara i ometanje novinarskog rada putem kleveta.
Introduction to the Free Media Help Line
Free Media Help Line is a line especially created for journalists who have experienced any kind of intimidation and interference during their work in the media