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Yesterday I took the decision to complete the work of the Commission for Reforming the City of Mostar, and give legal force to a new Statute that will reunify the City and establish a single administration that serves the citizens. 90% of this new Statute was agreed by the political parties in the Commission. I have completed their work by taking [...]

Televizijsko obraćanje visokog predstavnika

Dobro veče. Večeras se posebno obraćam građanima Mostara. Ali moja poruka je također namijenjena svim građanima ove zemlje. Svima onima koji trpe zbog neodgovornih političara, zbog nefunkcionalnih vlasti, loših javnih usluga, visokih poreza.

High Representative’s Letter to the Citizens of Mostar

We are at the opening of a new year, and, I hope, a new moment of opportunity for Mostar and its citizens. We now have the chance to move decisively beyond the troubles of the past and to build a better future for all the people of your historic city. Mostar will now have a new government structure. It will get rid of the duplicatory institutio [...]