
G8-Statement on Regional Issues

G8-Statement on Regional Issues Cologne, 20 June 1999 (excerpt) Kosovo We welcome the decisive steps already taken and now underway to end violence and repression in Kosovo, to establish peace and to provide for the safe and free return of all refugees and displaced persons to their homes.

G7/G8 Birmingham Summit – 17 May 1998

Birmingham Summit of The Eight Statements on FRY/Kosovo and Bosnia And Herzegovina Birmingham, 17 May 1998 Statement on FRY/Kosovo The continuing violence in Kosovo has revived fears of a new Balkans war. The region has already seen too much bloodshed.

Denver Summit – 22 June 1997

Denver Summit of The Eight Statement on Bosnia And Herzegovina Denver, 22 June 1997 We, the Leaders of the Eight, reaffirm our commitment to full implementation of the Peace Agreement, and to the goal of Bosnia and Herzegovina becoming a single democratic, prosperous and multi-ethnic nation.

Lyon Summit – 29 June 1996

Lyon Summit Decisions Concerning Bosnia And Herzegovina Lyon, 29 June 1996 We confirm our support for the Peace Agreement and the establishment of a democratic and pluralistic State of Bosnia and Herzegovina, composed of two Entities. The prime responsibility for implementing the Peace Agreement lies with the different communities and their leaders [...]