Considering the PDP program orientation and the necessity of faster democratization of the BH society and creating conditions for sustainable economic development of the institutions of the entities and the BH, and having in mind the inefficiency of the previous structures of power, the worrying presence of corruption and crime, PDP RS decided for changes in BH. In that context, the PDP Main Board decided to support the candidates of the Alliance for Changes for the BH Council of Ministers. That means that the working program of the Council of Ministers will entirely support the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. The Main Board demands that the Chairman includes the following principles in his political part of the program, as the guarantees of the Dayton-orientation:
- The Council of Ministers will fully respect the internal structure of BH during its mandate, which is defined by the Dayton Agreement, according to which it is a complex state community made of two equal entities: Republika Srpska and the BH Federation.
- The Council of Ministers shall stimulate the strengthening of the common institutions of BH by creating conditions for their efficient, functional and responsible activities.
- The Council of Ministers shall not give proposals nor accept initiatives for transfer of entity competencies, without the stipulated constitutional procedures, i.e. without the consent of the entities. In that sense, it will consistently respect the established division of competencies between the entities and the BH institutions (Article III, paragraph 1,2,3 and 4 of the BH Constitution).
- The priorities in its work will be cooperation with the entities, with the aim to faster the economic development of BH and more efficient battle against corruption, BH integration and European legal, political and economic system, equality of all peoples and citizens who live in the BH territory. The BH Council of Ministers shall devote special attention to the protection of human rights (individual and collective) and the Annex 7 of the Dayton Agreement, which shall be implemented consistently within its competence.
- The admission into the permanent membership in the Council of Europe is the essential interest of all BH citizens. Therefore, the BH Council of Ministers shall enhance, within it competencies, the adoption of regulations and documents on the state and entity levels as soon as possible, which were classified by the Council of Europe as minimum conditions for the admission of BH into the Council of Europe.
Note: None of the PDP deputies in the BH Assembly has no authority to support any decision, which would contravene the BH Constitution.
On behalf of the President of the PDP Main Board Dr. Mladen Ivanic: Prof. Zdravko Todorovic (Secretary General)