
Opinion poll: Executive Summary

During the October 2000, MIB conducted omnibus (MIB-BUS) survey for Office of the High

Representative, based in Sarajevo with the aim to investigate public opinion in B&H about OHR campaign “Ovaj and Onaj”.

After short description of the used methodology, please find summary of results by each asked question.

Following methodology was used:



    Quantitative research using the method of “face-to-face” interviews.

  2. SAMPLE:


MIB-BUS meet the following sample method. The sample is drawn using a multi-stage, stratified random sampling method.

Stage 1: Random selection of sampling points proportional to the distribution of population.

Stage 2: Random selection of starting points within each sampling point.

Stage 3: Selection of households using the “random route” technique.

Stage 4: Selection of individual respondents (1 per household) using a random selection key (next birthday). There are two call backs before a selected respondent is replaced (from another randomly) selected household in the same sampling point). The sample is distributed in sampling points allocated to the designated urban and rural areas. 10% of sampling points will be drawn to serve as substitutes. Ten interviews are conducted at each sampling point. A minimum 10% of the interviews is subject to back-checks by field supervisors and 5% by MIB staff.

Sample is national representative and sampling plan been made according to the latest official estimations of population in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Overall the survey has an error margin due to sampling of +- two percentage points. Sampling error margins are larger for sub-groups of the population.


On question: «In the last 6 months have you seen/heard any of these information campaigns by the IC?», The campaigns seen/heard most often are «Voters registration» 83%, «Ovaj and Onaj» 62%, «Nadglasaj korupciju» 60%, followed by «Road safety» 55%, «Weapons Amnesty» 53%,

«Multi-ethnic police recruitment campaign» 53%, «Trafficking. Trgovina ljudima – bijelo roblje» 44%,

«Freedom of information» 38%, «Postovanje» 37%, «Complaints process concerning judges and prosecutors» 35%.

By entities, 51% of respondents in Republika Srpska and 68% in the Federation B&H, said that they have seen/heard the campaign «Ovaj and Onaj».

Among the respondents who said that they have seen/heard campaign «Ovaj and Onaj» (62%), 95% of respondents said that topic of the campaing is corruption.

As the main messages of campaign «Ovaj and Onaj», respondents recognized:

Corruption is widespread in BiH and I encounter it in my daily life


It is corruption if you use your public position to help your relatives and friends get a job


When offcials divert public money for party or private use, they are stealing from the taxpayer and are corrupt


Tax evasion is also corruption


Corruption is only when money exchanges hands. Everything else is not corruption


The fihgt against corruption is an obsession of the IC and is not relevant to improving the living standards in BiH


Corruption is an integral part of BiH culture and therefore must be accepted


Corruption is minor and unimportant problem in BiH



On question «Do you think that people who have seen the campaign now understand better what corruption and its effects?», 18.6% of respondents had negative opinion (No, campaign didn’t tell anything new 16,4%; No, not at all, the campaign was confusing 2,2%). 31,8% of respondents said that campaign was very good in that regard and 49,7% of respondents said that campaign explained a few things about corruption and its effects.

Will people recognize corruption in everyday life and do something about it?, 21% of respondents said Yes, without doubt, 38% said Probably as much as they can, and 23% said Perhaps sometimes.

There were 18% of pessimists.

64% of respondents liked the look of campaign, the characters and the animation (very much 33%, fairly 31%), liked more or less 19%, not much 11%, not at all 6%.

63% of respondents think that cartoons is a successful way to inform people about issues such as corruption (very much 32%, fairly 31%), more or less 18%, not much 13%, not at all 6%.

71% of respondents said that they would like to see more «Ovaj and Onaj» episodes, 11% of respondents said opposite but 18% said that they do not really care.

There was asked one question (two sub-questions) to children only (aged 12-17). Have they noticed the corruption in school which they attend and have they discussed about corruption with their friends.

31% of children respondents said that they notice the corruption in their schools and 38% of them discussed with their friends about corruption.