
OHR SRT News Summary, 01 Jan. 1998

This celebration of the New Year’s Eve in Banja Luka was the greatest one ever recorded. For the first time, thousands of people met a New Year in the streets of Banja Luka. In front of the RS National Theater numerous musicians and actors were entertaining the citizens all night long and a marvelous fireworks was organized.

A lot of TV reports on New Year’s Eve celebration from different towns of the RS, FRY and many cities all over the world were presented.

It is important to emphasize that while celebrating New Year’s Eve not a single incident was recorded in the RS.

High Representative of the International Community, Carlos Westendorp, said that the three parties in B&H did not, within the predicted period, achieve any agreement on the look of a new B&H flag. Peace Implementation Council from Bonn invited yesterday the High Representative to make a final decision on the look of the B&H flag. Westendorp announced that till 20 January he would form the Independent Commission which would propose a solution for the B&H flag till 31 March. The flag of the MC Federation which was adopted in 1996 under a big pressure of the international mediators is never raised in the Croat-controlled areas.

Headquarters of the Nordic-Polish brigade within SFOR denied today the information of the local media that the members of that unit recently had had the losses while arresting mujahedins in the village Bocinja near Maglaj in the B&H Federation. Commander of the SFOR in Doboj, Danish General stated at the press conference in Doboj that he did not know anything about the alleged killing of 11 Danish members of SFOR while arresting the ex-mercenaries from the Islamic countries in B&H and he emphasized that the action of arresting mujahedins from Bocinja was conducted by the B&H police and not by SFOR.