News Headlines
- SPRS Main Board to decide whether SPRS ministers will step out of RS Government
- Deputy High Representative Johnson meets separately with Radisic and Dodik
- OHR attitudes on Sarovic assuming presidential duties remain unchanged – Dodik
- Radisic and Johnson point to necessity of preserving Sloga Coalition
- RS Soldiers’ Association was not consulted during appointment or dismissal of Gligoric
- RS Soldiers’ Associations of East Herzegovina, Banja Luka, Bratunac, Sekovici, Drvar, Serb Brod and Mrkonjic Grad condemn Dodik decision to dismiss Gligoric
- Prijedor and Lopare SUBNOR associations condemn Dodik decision to dismiss Gligoric
- RS Association of Women assesses Dodik decision to dismiss Gligoric as unwise
- RS Government expected to hold session on current political situation in RS on 1 February
- November 1999 pensions paid in RS
- BiH Constitutional Court cannot work if not composed of number of judges defined by BiH Constitution – former Constitutional Court Co-chairman Arsovic
- BiH Constitutional Court holds press conference on resignation of Arsovic and recent activities in Sarajevo
- BiH House of Representatives continues 16th session in Sarajevo
- Radisic meets with UNHCR Coordinator Jacques Moucher
- Moucher meets with RS Refugee and DP Minister Dragicevic
- BiH Federation Ombudsmen warns of rise in criminal acts by adolescents
- Mostar OHR Office Head meets with Trebinje authorities
- BiH Federation House of Representatives continues 10th session
- Six injured in explosion in Sarajevo Grbavica café
- HN Canton Croat authorities obstruct resolution of housing issues – Sarajevo media
- IC has reconstructed over 300 Serb houses in Grahovo – ONASA
- SDA holds consultations on changes in Sarajevo leadership – Sarajevo media
- Proposed program for coexistence in Kosovo acceptable – Kosovo Serb National Council
- Albanian terrorists burn Serb-owned house in Obilic – Tanjug
- Serb house damaged in fire in Lipljan
- Hasim Cusije, uncle of member of Kosovo Transitional Administrative Council Sokol Cusije, found dead near Suva Reka
- Former KLA members step out of Kosovo Protection Corps in Podujevo
- UN administration in Lipljan forbids two municipality officials from entering municipality building due to their lack of cooperation with UN
- ICTY fines Belgrade lawyer Vujic 25,000 Dutch guilder for contempt of court in Tadic case
- Serbian Independent Journalists’ Association opposes Serbian Information Law
- Sanctions on Yugoslavia should be lifted – Dientsbier for Zagreb press
- World news
- Agriculture ministers of Balkan countries hold first conference in Salonika
- 350,000 citizens registered in RS as of 29 January
- Weather
- SPRS Main Board has not announced decision on future of SPRS ministers in RS Government
- Tuzla Cantonal Court raises charges against former cantonal officials regarding illegal spending of budget – ONASA
- US warns Milosevic it will oppose any military action he starts against Montenegro
- UN announces continuation of registration of vehicles in Kosovo from 1 February
- Local UN administrator proposes change of national composition of local council – Kosovo Polje Serb a National Assembly
News Summary
Moucher meets with RS Refugee and DP Minister Dragicevic
RS Refugee and DP Minister Miladin Dragicevic met with UNHCR Coordinator Jacques Moucher in Banja Luka, where Moucher stated that the UNHCR will make contact with the Croatian Government regarding the return of refugees in Croatia. He also said that the UNHCR would propose certain projects so that refugees from Croatia could return.