
OHR Reconstruction and Return


RRTF: Report March 1998

An Action Plan in support of the return of refugees
and displaced persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

March 1998

Annex 5 – Registered Minority Returns in 1997

Entity Total Minority Returns % of Remarks
/Canton Returns Bosniacs Croats Serbs Total returns
Fed. Una
21 550 0 137 24 161 0,75 50% of total in Sanski Most

Posavina 5 000 1 828 0 9 1 837 36,74 95% of total in Odzak

23 500 0 350 55 405 1,72 45% of total in Brcko, 40% in Banovici

7 250 0 271 81 352 4,86 51% of total in Vares

Gorazde 4 100 0 3 22 25 0,61

13 000 1 782 690 23 2 495 19,19 Most Bosniacs in Jajce, Half Croats in Fojnica, half in Travnik

Neretva 10 300 638 138 108 884 8,58 50% of total in Prozor, 25% in Stolac

410 40 0 0 40 9,76

Sarajevo 52 000 0 1 403 744 2 147 4,13 An additional 16,700 minority returns in 1996

3 650 81 0 271 352 9,64 75% of total in Drvar

Unknown 0 0 0 0 0

140 760 4 369 2 992 1 337 8 698 6,18 85% of movements are Croats and Muslims.
Republika Srpska 13 200 730 141 0 871 6,60 72% in the ZOS, 20% in Banja Luka, 8% elsewhere
Total 153 960 5 099 3 133 1 337 9 569 6,22


a. Total returns for the period Jan. 1997 – Oct. 1997 only.
b. Some minority returns may not have been registered.


UNHCR Statistics Package – 01/12/97

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Office of the High Representative
Reconstruction and Return Task Force