
OHR Local News Issues, 3 April 1997


Sarajevo – the CoM session – Co-chair Silajdzic did not accept the adoption of the two QSP laws – the Law on Custom Policy and the Law on Foreign Trade Policy. Prior to the CoM session Silajdzic sent a letter to the HR Deputy Steiner saying that those two laws had been adopted at the session at which he was not present, and he didn’t agree on the item 19 of the Customs Policy Law because it will justify the final division of the country. According to the Law, all financial resources that are to come from the customs taxes are to be collected at the Entity levels, which means that the united country of BiH doesn’t get anything. Silajdzic said that the Law is not in accordance with the BiH Constitutions and it cannot be adopted by the Parliament unless its corrected first. The CoM members from the RS did not agree on signing a document on receiving $ 4 million for building up the Parliament building, explaining that the BiH Parliament doesn’t exist, whereas one of the Serb Ministers, Bozanic said that BiH as a state doesn’t exist.

Sarajevo – Federal Government session – the Government adopted 10 laws, such as the Law on Privatisation and Restitution and the Law on Purchase of apartments. The Government did not discuss establishment of new municipalities or Sarajevo and Mostar Administration.

Sarajevo – Federation authorities [Bosniaks and Croats] are having a meeting at the OHR, hosted by HR Deputy Steiner, with regard to establishment of the City Administration in Mostar. The police chiefs of both parts of Mostar agreed to establish the joint police forces [50 policemen each] which will begin patrolling the city as of tomorrow at 4 p.m.

Sarajevo – BiH President Izetbegovic met Friar Petar Andjelic and catholic professor Blazevic to discuss the main preparation due to the Pope’s, the ongoing constructions of the altar and transportation of the church bell especially made for this occasion in Croatia.

At the SFOR press conference, OHR spokesman Murphy said that the OHR made an agreement with the RS court to allow Federation lawyers to take part at the proceedings against seven Bosniaks to begin on April 17.

Sarajevo – the Cantonal assembly held its session to discuss the 1997 Budget and support all decisions to be made with regard to the establishment of the city administration.

Summary SRT News

Preparing for tomorrow’s RS National Assembly, the RS Government was in session today in Pale. Report: The 28th regular session of the RS Government started today in Pale. On the agenda, there are several propositions for the decrees, decisions and information from various fields, as well as the preparations for tomorrow’s session of the RS National Assembly, which is to be held on Jahorina. The ministers are to vote for the proposals of a decree on the establishment of an Office for joint affairs of the republic bodies and RS Government Secretariat, and are also expected to give their opinions on the realisation of transportation and other links between the Republic of Serbia and RS. They will also deal with Provisional Electoral Commission’s information and activities for the establishment of a civilian air transportation in RS and air space, the realisation of the contract signed with the JUPROM Nevesinje, the activities on the building of the Bijeljina-Samac line.
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In the last few days we have been warning against inappropriate behaviour of SFOR with regard to enabling the illegal trade on the border of RS and the Croat-Muslim Entity. SFOR would like to turn Tuzla-Zvornik road in some kind of the Arizona road. This is a direct attack on the economical stability of RS, even worse, it contributes only Croat-Muslim leadership that would like to erase Serbian state border.
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According to today’s meeting between the RS Minister of Interior, Dragan Kijac, and IPTF Commissioner, the co-operation with the IPTF is at least better. The main theme discussed was the role of the Police in Brcko. Since the border will be open in Brcko for the Pope’s visit, the Ministry of Interior will conduct all necessary measures to provide passage of Croatian pilgrims through RS.
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Since technical preconditions for establishing the Central Bank are met, it is to expect that the last obstacles for holding the Donor Conference are overcome. Rajko Tomas, an economic adviser to the RS President, met today with Rory O’Sullivan, head of the World Bank. O’Sullivan stated after the meeting that out of eight programs for the reconstruction of RS, three has been already approved. Talking about the Central Bank, he said that technical preconditions are met. Next moves are expected from politicians. The Donor Conference was postponed because the IMF did not finish the program for the reconstruction on time, believes O’Sullivan.
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A session of the Council of Ministers of B&H commenced at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering building in Lukavica. This time, there was no statement after the meeting. SRNA learned that Ministers discussed the return of refugees and the opening of the airport for civilian traffic in RS and Muslim-Croat federation.
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The World media are not paying any attention to the legal proceeding of The Hague Tribunal against the three Muslims who committed crimes in the concentration camp of Celebici,. The public is now unaware about the shocking testimonies of the Serbs.