
OHR Local News Issues, 27 April 1997


Orthodox Easter – On the occasion of the Orthodox Easter a solemn liturgy was served by Archpriest Hadzi Nikola Markovic at the church Sveta Bogorodica in Tuzla. Instead of the anxiously expected Bishop Kacavenda, Deputy HR Michael Steiner arrived in Tuzla during the ceremony. Ambassador Steiner told the press that the citizens of Tuzla and the three imprisoned men from Srebrenica would not oppose to Bishop’s stay in Tuzla. He added that “some self-proclaimed leaders as the head of the SGV [ Serb Civic Council] in Tuzla, Miso Bozic, have prevented Bishop Kacavenda’s arrival”, thus contradicting the assurances received by the SGV in Sarajevo.

Mr. Steiner responded strongly to the earlier statements by the SGV in Tuzla and the President of the Tuzla-Podrinje Canton related to the Bishop Kacavenda’s intended visit. The Deputy HR was quoted as saying that Bishop Kacavenda certainly was not his friend but that the principle of FOM had to be defended. Everyone, except those indicted for war crimes must enjoy full FOM, he contended. Steiner raised his voice against arbitrary accusations and labeling of persons as “war criminals” without substantial evidence. He advocated that the Hague Tribunal should be taking care of these matters.

The Orthodox Easter has been celebrated throughout the country, informed the media. It carried an extensive coverage on church service in Sarajevo and Zenica.

In Sarajevo, the SGV and the Serb cultural association “Prosveta” held a reception attended by FBiH Vice President Ejup Ganic, religious dignitaries and diplomatic representatives.

Sanski Most – The killing of a 69 year old Serb, Petar Milanovic, has caused agitation among citizens requesting that the murderers be identified. The Municipal council issued a statement to the effect that the case was not of political nature and that the suspected murderers were persons with criminal background. The statement pledged that “all measures will be taken to resolve the case so as not to stop the process of implementation of the DPA and the progress in return of Serb population to Koprivno, that is, the talks on return of Bosniaks to Prijedor”.

Sanski Most – The process of return of refugees to the Una- Sana canton is well behind schedule, especially in the segment related to repair and construction of housing units. On average, 30 families arrive in Sanski Most every day, while a large wave of returnees is yet expected.

Sarajevo – At the Centre for Management and Information Technologies, headed by Dr. Zlatko Lagumdzija, a meeting with reputable German companies was held. Minister of Foreign Trade Hasan Muratovic, his deputy Nikola Grabovac and the WB Director Rory O’Sullivan participated in the meeting. German businessmen explored the possibilities for investments in housing restoration, a waste processing factory, alternative gas supply system, restoration of water supply system and hotels.

Summary SRT News

Pale – The Orthodox believers and pilgrims begun the celebration of their main religious holiday Easter last night by burning oak leaves in fire specially set on for that occasion in front of the church. President of the BiH Presidency Krajisnik also attended the ceremony. The celebrations were continued this morning with an early service in churches throughout the RS. RS priests quoted on Episcop Pavle, asking all Serbs to live in peace and freedom. After the early morning service, Krajisnik addressed all the Serbs in the RS, wishing them the establishment of harmony and life in freedom after long period of a hard civil war that was fought in this territory. He asked the whole world to take a path which leads to peace and stop thinking about new war. ‘to rebuild our state as soon as possible and stop ‘welding’ us with BiH.’

Belgrade – Episcop Pavle served a holy mass at the main church sending a message of eternal peace and harmony. SRT toured the RS visiting various towns where ordinary people celebrated Easter.

Laktasi – At a building of local community, an Orthodox priest served a holy mass before former soldiers, invalids, and families of killed VRS soldiers. After the mass, people laid a wreath in front of photos of soldiers killed fighting with the 1st corps of the VRS.

Brcko – this was the most glorious celebration of Easter so far. The RS soldiers celebrated Easter and attended holy mass in their barracks. Brcko priests blessed a new church bell which was set up at the location where a new Brcko church will be built.

World News:

Jerusalem – Orthodox pilgrims worldwide, although not in great number because of tensions in the region, came to Jerusalem to attend the holy mass of Easter.

The New York Times, the papers which used to strongly support Croatia and its President Tudjman who was under the patronage of the US, reported that the leading nationalist party HDZ refused to fulfil three main conditions set by the US: to provide peace in the country, safety for the Serb minority in Eastern Slavonija, and to hand over indicted war criminals.