
OHR Local News Issues, 23 March 1997


Alija Izetbegovic, Presidency President sent a letter to the BiH CoM in which he reminds that less than a month’s time is left before the Donors Conference, and the QSP Law Documents which are needed as a precondition have not yet been harmonized. I wish to warn you that this situation could cause a new postponement of the Conference which again could have incalculable economic, social and political results for all parts of the country.

The CoM Co-Chair, Haris Silajdzic pointed out at the extraordinary Islamic Countries Conference in Islambad that Islam will in the next century contribute to the creation of a more peaceful future of the whole World Community. The Summit expressed absolute support for a unified BiH.

The whole Diplomatic Corps and representatives of the international organizations in Sarajevo attended the 50 year anniversary celebration of the independence of Pakistan. The Federal Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic thanked the Pakistani people and Government for the help they gave to BiH during and after the war.

HR Carl Bildt’s Principal Deputy, Ambassador Steiner sent a letter to the BiH Federation President and his Deputy relating to the numerous anomalies made in the court process against three policemen, implicated in the 10 February events in Mostar. Steiner said that a legal procedure had had nothing to do with justice in this procedure. The letter was read in full.

Elisabeth Rehn, UN Special Envoy for Human Rights met in Mostar with the Deputy Federation Ombudsman, representatives of the municipalities Prozor, Capljina and Stolac, seated in Mostar, as well as with representatives of the missing BiH Army soldiers’ relatives. The soldiers have been missing since 9 May 1993 when they were arrested by HVO.

The American Defense Minister William Cohen repeated yesterday his objection to the suggestion of an early withdrawal of the American troops from BiH.

A large number of evicted persons from the Doboj-East region plan to return back home to the ZOS this spring. More than 500 permits have been issued which means that around 2000 people will be able to return. It is expected that a climate of understanding will be created with the Serb side in a joint effort to enable this return.

More than 300 participants, including 70 from abroad, took part in the three day consultations in Cazin on the improvement of water and communal systems in the Federation. The World Bank will invest 380 million dollars in the project in this field in the next three years.

Summary SRT News

Acting President of the SDA Aleksa Buha has stated that there are no changes in the opinion of the people leading the state and the party with regard to the strategic goals of the RS and SDS policy. All misunderstandings that have come out into the public regarding the signing of the Special Parallel Ties Agreement between FRY and the RS have been resolved.

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Dragan Kijac, met in Pale with representatives of the IPTF and discussed the functioning of the Serb and International Police in Brcko. After the meeting Kijac stressed that the conclusions after the meeting guarantee RS and its Ministry of Internal Affairs will create favorable conditions for the situation in Brcko to develop during the next year.

Not even the high diplomatic level of the Zagreb meeting with Cyrus Vance as Chairman helped resolve problems regarding the exchange, i.e. freeing of the prisoners. The only news and hope is for the participation of the American Administration which has set aside 5 million dollars for these purposes.

Preparations for the privatization in the Hercegovina municipalities are behind since the companies failed to understand the real importance and sense of this work.

SDA has prepared several options regarding the territorial exchange in the BiH Federation, as well as for the movement of the population, in order to form a separate Muslim State – claims the Muslim media in Sarajevo. A high ranking Muslim official, Rusmir Mahmutcehajic confirmed that there were those among the Muslim politicians that were in favor of such a division.

President of the BiH Presidency Krajisnik and General Pero Colic were present at the farewell party of SFOR General Graham Kerr.

The RS development would be accelerated through economic ties with the FRY within the RS-FRY special relations.

The Housing Fund in the whole of the RS doesn’t have additional resources for the reconstruction of houses. Almost nobody pays the rent although it is very low.