
OHR Local News Issues, 22 Aug 1997


Tuzla – Fadila Mehmedovic, 46, was killed last night in the demilitarised zone, 25 kilometres north of Tuzla, and Sefik Kalamujic, her son in law, was seriously wounded by the shots fired around 800 metres from the control point. The Cantonal investigation judge in Tuzla asserts that it occurred from no further than 135 metres. Cantonal President Jamakosmanovic called on the local authorities in Celici to calm down the tensions among the people and wait for the investigation results.

Sarajevo – Alija Izetbegovic, BiH Presidency Chairman and Robert Frowick held talks today on the election situation. Ambassador Frowick informed Izetbegovic that he intends soon to visit the top Croatian as well as Yugoslav leadership.

Central Bosnian Canton – The high Federal delegation consisting of Soljic, Ganic and Bicakcic (Federation President, his Deputy and Prime Minister) together with Christian Schwarz Schilling, FBiH Mediator, visited Jajce, Bugojno and Travnik. Their talks focused on refugee return. The results are positive, the delegation concluded and the financial assistance should be harmonised with this process.

Travnik – The Central Bosnian police was inaugurated today. Of 1058 policemen scheduled for the Joint police force in the Central Bosnian Canton, 120 Bosniaks and Croats were lined up. FBiH President Soljic said that establishing of the Joint police forces represents a first step towards establishment of the legal state. This topic was also on agenda of the talks between Kresimir Zubak, BiH Presidency member and Gerd Wagner, Senior Deputy HR during their Sarajevo talks on the situation in Federation.

Mostar – The Agreement achieved at the last Federation Forum meeting on completion of the second phase of the Cantonal police powers in Mostar has not been fulfilled. On the Croatian side at today’s meeting only Deputy Cantonal Interior Minister Goran Milic appeared, to say that he had no instructions to do anything. The second meeting in the same day, headed by Sir Martin Garrod and attended by a US Embassy representative, attained no better result. Garrod invited then the Cantonal leaders for a meeting tomorrow.

Pale – RS Entity Headquarters and commanders threatened to involve themselves in the political conflicts in this Entity if further cracking of the country goes on. The Headquarters announced in a statement carried by SRNA that it will strongly oppose any attempt which could finally bring about the disappearance of the RS. Without any warning the army will undertake measures in defence of the integrity and sovereignty of the RS. Follows lengthy report on the various media reports on the same issue.

Sarajevo – HR Carlos Westendorp sent a letter to the Pale officials informing that the RS Minister of Interior Dragan Kijac and his Deputy are no more competent to do their tasks. We don’t acknowledge them and demand their removal, reads the letter.

Banja Luka – RS Independent Social Democrats Party announced that Momcilo Krajisnik as President of the SRT Managing Board is responsible for the primitive RS TV program and demands his resignation as well as of the TV Director and Minister for Information.

Sarajevo – BiH Press conveyed the stance of the Croatian military experts who estimate that RS has definitely been broken in two parts. Zagreb predicts that Milosevic will not help Karadzic whom he decided to send to the Hague due to strong IC pressure. (Follows quotes from Croatian and Serb media).

Summary SRT TV News

Pale – RS representative in BiH Parliament, Krajisnik received a Swedish Ambassador to BiH, Eliasson. The DPA and the current political crisis in RS were discussed. Eliasson also announced tomorrow’s visit of HM the King of Sweden Gustav II, who will visit the Swedish SFOR troops. Krajisnik said that RS will take part in the welcome ceremony for the Swedish King. -Krajisnik refuted claims that he called for SFOR intervention in Banja Luka, saying that this information was fabricated. Krajisnik also said that Plavsic had violated the Law and the Constitution in the rudest way, and that he was disappointed with the assistance given to Plavsic by some IC representatives. Krajisnik said that whoever asked for SFOR assistance had rudely violated the DPA. Commenting on Plavsic’s demand for the resignation of TV editors, Krajisnik said that she has no right to influence the freedom of media.

Bijeljina – After the session of the RS HQ Staff, where the current situation in RS was discussed, it was announced that the political and safety situation in RS was extremely serious, and was caused by the non-constitutional acts of Mrs. Plavsic. HQ Staff said that the IC representatives acted partially out of the DPA framework by supporting Plavsic. It was also said that Plavsic, being the Supreme Commander of the RS Army, completely excluded the HQ from all the events, thus providing the way to impose her own will, by the system “State, it is me”. The remainder of the announcement said that if the crisis continues, caused by anyone, the RS Army will not warn but it will act in order to defend the integrity of the RS.

Sarajevo – HR Deputy and NATO commander announced in public that they are not satisfied with Serb leaders who let the crisis deepen. The letters addressed to Plavsic, Krajisnik and Klickovic say that the seizure of the Public Security Centre represents an attempt by both sides to end the crisis in a non-democratic manner.

Bonn – HR Deputy Wagner stated in Bonn today that the possibility of pre-elections is being considered despite the RS Constitutional Court decisions. Wagner explained that the pre-elections would enable Plavsic to increase the pressure on her opponents, and to impose her political will.
1’00” Reactions of the world media – French press releases reported that the current crisis in RS is caused by the IC, so that the IC could be the unavoidable saviour, and to prove that the international troop presence in BiH is necessary even after their mandate expires. British “Daily Telegraph” comments that Plavsic’s decisions are unconstitutional, and that the support of the IC is a typical irony of privilege to an evil child. DT says that the hunt for the war criminals is only a cover for the failure of the US plan in BiH. Stuttgarter Zeitung reports that RS leadership is way too strong and respected by the people, and that could not be changed, regardless of Plavsic’s promises of millions of dollars to people. Associated Press reports that the current activities of Plavsic are a threat to RS, and if she should win, it might mean the establishment of a new state with Croats and Moslem.

Mrkonjic Grad – A special session of the Municipality Executive Board was held today with the presence of the local SDS party leaders and local police representatives. The current situation in Mrkonjic Grad area was discussed due to serious threats of taking over the police HQ in this town by para-police forces. All session members condemned the latest illegal and violent events in BL. The assembly announced that Plavsic’s actions are endangering RS integrity, its leadership functions and the DPA implementation. SDS announced that this is all about a special war against the RS and the SDS, the main aim being a united BiH.

Pale – The Chief Editor of the SRT, Toholj said that the decision of BL studio employees to cease work was extorted by Plavsic’s security. Commenting on SFOR threats that the SRT will be shut down by the military force, Toholj said that those who dare to carry out such an act will not have any safe feet of Serb land underneath.