Washington – CoM Co-President Silajdzic met US Secretary of State, Albright. Subjects of the meeting were the current situation in BiH and the obstacles to DPA implementation.
Banja Luka – The harassed judge of the RS Constitutional Court, Rosic made a statement explaining the events surrounding his harassment. Rosic said that two unknown and armed persons entered his house at about two o’clock in the morning, saying that they had a message from Krajisnik. The message said that Rosic must not vote for the benefit of Plavsic, that no one must know about the message, and that Rosic will be liquidated if he did not obey. After Rosic’s forced obedience, he was transferred to emergency hospital in Pale, where he was advised to stay. After two days, Rosic came to Banja Luka anyway. On this occasion, Rosic refuted Krajisniks claims about being “his man”.
Pale – At yesterday’s session in Pale the Central Bank of BiH Governor, named Kovacevic for Vice-Governor, Piljak for Head Controller, and Sehic for the Secretary General of the Governor’s Office.
Sarajevo US Special Envoy, Gelbard reported on the results of yesterday’s Federation Forum meeting. Gelbard said that the joint police establishment, in all municipalities of Her/Ner Canton, was agreed, as well as the police reconstruction in the Middle Bosnian Canton. The plan of refugee return to Middle Bosnian Canton was also agreed. Gelbard said that the return will be enabled as soon as the Law on Properties is adopted.
Mostar – At the meeting of the OHR, US Embassy, and the HDZ party representatives, the main issue was the adoption of the amendments on Her/Ner Canton Constitution. As for the police establishment, the meeting of police Head Officers and their deputies, from the precincts obliged to fulfill the agreement, is scheduled for tomorrow.
Travnik/Capljina – The Ombudsmen offices in Travnik and Capljina should start their work within the next few days, as agreed yesterday, at the Federation Forum session.
Jajce – In spite of the incident which occurred a few days ago, in which two men were heavily injured, the refugee return to Jajce proceeds. About 100 heads of families reported their return to the local Displaced Persons Office. This return concludes the refugee return in the Jajce municipality. Commenting on the statement of the Jajce Mayor, who said that the landmines in the Jajce area were placed by Serbs, UNHCR spokesman Janowski said that the mines could only have be placed recently, because the houses in that area were previously repaired by their owners.
Sarajevo – At the regular conference of the SDA party, the current political crisis in RS was also discussed. SDA Co-President Grbo said that this crisis also reflects on BiH, because it causes the delay of the CoM and Presidency sessions. Grbo said that even Gelbard could not schedule the Presidency session. Grbo also expressed SDA’s support for RS President Plavsic, for as said, even though she is a nationalist, she is a nationalist, she is going the right way, respecting the DPA.
Summary SRT TV News
Banja Luka – RS President in the BiH Presidency Momcilo Krajisnik appealed to all police officials from Banja Luka illegally appointed by the RS President to withdraw and hand over their duties to leagally appointed police officials, said the report. Once again he restarted that under the Law only the Rs Interior Minister was empowered to appoint police officials. In his statement, Krajisnik reminded that a breach of subordination is a serious offense and an act against the State and Constitution, suggesting that officers involved could be pardoned should they abide by the Law. Lastly, he invited all policemen to obey orders and instructions issued by the Interior Ministry only and not to assist those individuals who have been trying to bring RS in its ruin.Banja Luka – Nikola Poplasen, President of the Serb Radical Party in the RS requested Dragan Kalinic, Speaker of the National Assembly, to convene a session of that body to debate on current political developments in the RS and holding of snap elections in the RS. In his letter, Poplasen explained that a conflict between the RS President and other state officials and divided opinions on the decision of the Constitutional Court prompted him to make this request. Verification of the legitimacy of the Assembly and the RS President through elections, he contended, would lead to a resolution of the crisis in the most democratic of ways, common in the democratic world.
Banja Luka – RS Interior Minister Dragan Kijac held a meeting with commanders of the Anti-terrorist police brigade in Banja Luka. Maj.Gen. Goran Saric issued a statement to the effect that all assignments had been carried out in full by this brigade regardless of recent events in Banja Luka.
Banja Luka – The media carried a lengthy report on the Police Training Centre and inability of attendants to start with training and attendance of lectures because SFOR troops had occupied the building. According to the school’s principal, who appeared to be much worried, SFOR troops had no intention of leaving the premises. One of the young attendants gave his account of events which ensued after SFOR had seized the building, stressing how he was thrown out of his bed and guns had been pointed at him.
Pale – SRTV Editor in Chief has provided a commentary in which he queries: Why is the international Community, which greatly respects constitutional and institutional order, supportive of RS President Plavsic who has violated the Constitution and organized a terrorist act? Bearing in mind that a part of the IC wants to integrate the RS into a unitary Bosnia, seemingly unusual activities, did not come as a surprise, concludes the statement.
Banja Luka – In response to latest developments in Banja Luka, the RS State Security Department issued a statement in which it condemned an illegal and forceful entry of irregular police forces under the command of President Plavsic into the Public and State Security Centres – Banja Luka on the pretext of the alleged tapping of the President and other officials. Despite the fact that the Interior Minister formed an Investigation Commission, the RS President has continued with illegal activities, continued statement. It further maintained that the said commission had been prevented by SFOR and IPTF from looking into the seized material.
Pale – The media highlighted the news that several NATO choppers overflew Pale last night causing anxiety amongst citizens. The interviewed citizens spoke with bitterness or resentment about it. But a large number of them empathetically mentioned taking guns and going to a war again to throw out those aliens who keep provoking us