Sarajevo – Special Envoy of the Croatian President, Franjo Greguric met with Chairman of the BiH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic to discuss the announced meeting between the two presidents. However, no details on the talks were disclosed nor was the date of the Tudjman – Izetbegovic meeting designated. The report mentioned a number of meetings that Greguric held with FBiH officials – Kresimir Zubak, a member of the BiH Presidency, Vladimir Sojic, FBiH President and Vice President Ejup Ganic. The talks mostly focused on economic relations between Croatia and BiH and the position of the Bosnian Croats in the FBiH and BiH.
Asked to comment on the situation in the FBiH, the Special Envoy of the Croatian President told the press that it was a difficult question to answer. But, he added that by the appointment of a Special Envoy for the FBiH and BiH, President Tudjman has demonstrated Croatian commitment to the peace agreement and fostering of the FBiH and the BiH state.
Chairman of the BiH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic held talks with the German and Slovenian Ambassadors to BiH. Izetbegovic discussed the implementation of the DPA with the German Ambassador while the talks with the Slovenian Ambassador focused on strengthening of economic ties between the two countries.
Washington – Co-Chairs in the CoM Haris Silajdzic and Boro Bosic held a number of meetings with officials of the US Administration. The media conveyed their activities extensively, stressing that the joint presence of the two Co-chairs in the US has a symbolic meaning. The Silajdzic-Gelbard meeting was given a high profile in the report, perceived as confirmation of the US proclaimed policy towards BiH. However, it was mentioned that the talks at the WB were not so successful because the two sides in BiH have taken different views in regard to some economic issues.
Strasbourg – The report on BiH Foreign Minister Jadranko Prlic and his deputy Husein Zivalj’s activities in the work of the European Council underlined that “BiH is one step ahead on the way to become a member of the European Council.
Sarajevo – Late last night, the FBiH Commission for implementation of the Arbitrage decision for Brcko and parliamentary parties held consultations with Ambassador Frowick, President of the Provisional Electoral Commission. Parliamentary parties in the FBiH decided not to instruct their voters on elections in Brcko until an agreement on special electoral regulations for Brcko are reached.
Mostar – The implementation of the Arbitrage decision on Brcko was reviewed at the FBiH session. It was decided to prepare elaborate documentation for the next government’s session. The Government reviewed a set of drafts, but decided to further elaborate on them.
Mostar – Sir Martin Garrod, OHR Regional Head, convened a meeting held behind closed doors with officials from Mostar and representatives of the two Elektroprivreda companies to discuss the problem of the hydro-power station Mostar. The meeting ended with intangible results, but it was agreed that Mr. Garrod would delegate the problem to a higher level, that is, to the FBiH President and Vice President.
Summary SRT News
Banja Luka – RS President Plavsic met the US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, Parmley, and discussed the process of return of refugees. Plavsic said that this issue is very difficult to discuss after four years of a bloody war. ‘We were trying to find a solution which would be as painless as possible for this issue,’ Plavsic said. However, Parmley expressed his optimism with regard to its implementation.2:00
Srpski Brod – ‘After six long years’, the RS President in the BiH Presidency, Krajisnik, reopened the oil refinery today. He said that this plant has one of the largest economic potentials in the RS. ‘This is our first step towards starting the economy and beginning our new future, which came as a result of the special parallel ties between the RS and FRY.’ The Serbian Government and the oil refinery from Cacak, Serbia also invested in this plant.
Banja Luka – Krajisnik, RS Vice-president Mirjanic, and Parliament Speaker Kalinic talked with the representatives of the RS Workers Union. The Union agreed to stop the strike of primary and secondary school teachers and professors, who should go back to work tomorrow.
Washington – CoM Co-chair Bosic and Deputy Foreign Minister Bozanic talked with the Executive Director of the World Bank. Bosic said that the Donors’ Conference is in the interest of both the RS and the Federation. He also expressed his dissatisfaction with the way the financial aid was dispersed last year. He said that WB must show respect towards the RS and be even-handed. According to Bosic, even-handed division of financial aid is the main precondition for stability of the region. The CoM adopted the QSP Laws which will soon be verified by the BiH Parliament.
Der Spiegel has finally admitted that they were fooled by the propaganda of the majority with regard to Tadic. In order to wash their hands now, they apologised to the public, even accusing the German national court for creating such a false picture. Der Spiegel now reports that crimes for which Tadic was accused could have been committed by any Serb, Croat or Muslim in the course of the civil war. In that case thousands of people, members of one of the three nations in BiH, should be brought before the Hague Tribunal to be punished too.
Pale – Vice-president of the RS Government, Ostojic, met the representatives of the EC department for culture and discussed the participation of the RS in cultural events worldwide. The RS Government will establish an expert team which will take care of culture, restoration of cultural monuments, etc.
Bijeljina – Mr. Cancar, who is in charge of the elections in the RS, said that all people must be registered and vote in order to avoid all possible manipulations that could come from the Federation side. World news:
Mostar – Mayor Prskalo and his Deputy Orucevic gave two opposing proposals with regard to the problem of the Salakovac power plant. At a press conference held today, Prskalo said that the plant should be handed over to Croats since it has been theirs even from before the war, whereas Orucevic said the same thing with regard to the Bosniaks. 2:00