
OHR Local News Issues, 13 June 1997


Foreign debt– The media underlined that Rory O’Sullivan, WB Director had confirmed that an external debt in the amount of US 4 million had not paid by the RS while the FBH paid is share of the debt earlier. Mr. Sullivan was also reported to have stated that the failure to repay the debt, which is a liability of the BH as a state and not its entities, might have inconceivable consequences for BH.

Sarajevo – At a press conference today, UN Spokesman Alex Ivanko stated that the RS police had informed IPTF yesterday about their intention to arrest a villager Islamovic because of his threats to local police. Ivanko further said that Islamovic resisted the arrest and inflicted injuries to policemen during the apprehension. He added that UN officials held talks with local authorities in Zvornik and President of the Jusici municipality and agreed to reduce tensions in the area by employing a larger number of IPTF policemen and reducing a number of RS policemen.

Tuzla – At a press conference, an IPTF Spokesman confirmed that the situation in Jusici had deteriorated. An increasing number of citizens reported to IPTF on cases of beating and destruction of crops. President of the Jusici municipality discarded IPTF claims related to the case of Islamovic, maintaining that the RS police had not observed the DPA provisions on policing.

Brcko – The OSCE decision to repeat the registration procedure in Brcko in order to annul a large number of irregularities in the RS had been welcomed both at home and abroad. The US Administration reiterated that it would not allow rigging of the elections in Brcko. A signal was sent to Pale that in the case of irregularities economic sanctions would be imposed.

The Head of the OSCE in BH Robert Frowick stated that all registration controllers in Brcko would be replaced due to irregularities and machinations.

Chaired by Ejup Ganic, the Commission for Brcko held a meeting to review activities of an expert team for the appearance at the Donors Conference on BH and specifically about projects for Brcko.

Bihac – Robert Frowick, Chief of the OSCE mission in BH held talks with cantonal officials on preparations for the local elections and the implementation of the DPA. The process of registration was assessed as very successful, since more than 50 per cent of citizens had already registered, maintained report.

Mostar – Deputies of the Municipal Councils North and West held constitutional sessions at the OHR regional office. Having elected presidents and vice presidents, deputies proceeded with a constructive debate on modalities for return of refugees.

Summary SRT News

Belgrade – RS President in the BiH Presidency, Krajisnik, Prime Minister Klickovic and Assembly Speaker Kalinic met the Serbian President Milosevic and discussed the economic reconstruction and implementation of the DPA, as well as the QSP Laws which should be soon discussed by both BiH parliamentary chambers. They stressed that the RS future depends upon implementation of the issues above. The RS delegation and the Serbian President also discussed the implementation of the Agreement on Special Parallel Ties Between the RS and FRY.

Trebinje – RS President Plavsic held a meeting with the local leadership and representatives of the RS 7th Corps and discussed the problems with regard to the status of soldiers and families of soldiers killed in the war. Plavsic shall attend the session of the Soldiers’ Association tomorrow, at which the problems above will be discussed.

Pale – The RS Government Vice-president, Ostojic met the WB delegation headed by the Head of the WB office for Relations with the RS and Federation, Christine Volich. The discussion was about the donors’ conference to be held on June 24 and 25 in Brussels. The CoM ministers headed by Mr. Bogic, the Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs and Foreign Trade, also attended the meeting.

Flash news:

At the NATO session held today in Brussels, the NATO Supreme Commander for Europe, US General George Joulwan, asked for another 3,000 soldiers as a backup to the multi-national forces in BiH from August 20 to October 20, 1997.

ICG said that the NATO did its job so well in BiH that it succeeded to definitely divide it. On the other hand, the civil implementation is faced with two different approaches and the clash between the USA, which takes the Agreement for granted, and Europe, which is in favour of gradual and humane implementation of the DPA.

Jusici – The Zvornik Police Centre said that three policemen were injured and a police vehicle stoned yesterday when the RS police tried to arrest Mumin Islamovic, who was accused of violating peace and order. Before the arrest, the RS police informed IPTF on the case, and IPTF allowed them to ‘do their job, because IPTF is only a supervisor,’ as IPTF representatives said. However, Islamovic was resisting the arrest which caused the incident. In the meantime, a group of about 60 Muslims gathered near the RS police vehicle and started throwing stones on the vehicle, but the police calmed them down. Before Islamovic was sent into custody, he was medically checked for the purpose of proving that he wasn’t physically harassed. IPTF office in Zvornik said that the RS police carried out their job professionally.

Serb Gorazde – The establishment of the telecommunications system between Rogatica and Serb Gorazde is currently the biggest investment in the field of telecommunications in the RS. The whole project will cost more than DIN 3 million, and the international community provided almost half of the financial resources for it. The works are carried out by the RS PTT and a team of telecommunications experts. The construction works started on May 25 and should have been completed within 120 working days, but the workers have broken all the records, therefore they will finish the job within 40 days.