Madeleine Albright, American Secretary of State arrived for an official visit to BiH, this morning. The aim of the visit was to provide support for the implementation of the DPA. Albright went straight on to the National Museum building to hold talks with the BiH Presidency members. The meeting was attended by the Foreign Ministers and their Deputies, as well as the Military Commanders of both entities. At this meeting The Permanent Committee for Military Questions was established, the Rules of Procedure was accepted and three representatives were named to work with the representatives of the International Community.
BiH Press informs that Madeleine Albright repeated today American loyalty towards supporting full implementation of the DPA and a unified BiH with the joint institution she ading it.
Albright spent some time walking through the town escorted by the representative unit of the Cantonal police members, met with the children playing in a courtyard near the Assembly building, laid flowers on the bridge, Suada Dilberovic, named after the first victim of the Serb aggression on Sarajevo and held a Press Conference.
Summarising impressions afterwards, she said that Sarajevo is not only in peace, but what I hoped for in 1994 when I was here – the united capital of BiH. Answering a question put by a foreign journalist if sanctions would be imposed on the Federation for causing problems for some Serbs, Croats and Jews regarding return to their apartments, Albright said that she found in her travels around Bosnia, that everybody is in a wrong house and in the end there is a missing house. Therefore the reconstruction is very important. We have to help there. But if communal projects do not go forward and do not help to knit the multi-ethnic society together, there will not be American assistance.
Concerning the war criminals, Madeleine Albright pointed out that she already had said that the US is looking into options how to strengthen the work of the War Crimes Tribunal. Let us not believe wrongly, a price for the heavy crimes will be paid, Albright added.
Jadranko Prlic, BiH Foreign Minister estimated the visit of the American Secretary of State as very useful and he underlined the importance of the establishing of the Committee for military questions. This is for us the most important message – a message of BiH nearing the safe Euro Atlantic integration, he said.
Together with the BiH CoM members and their deputy (Silajdzic, Bosic and Tomic), Madeleine Albright flew to Brcko, where she was received by the HR deputy Farrand and General Miegs. She marked the official opening of the bridge over the Sava as a border crossing between BiH and Croatia.
At today’s meeting of Ambassador Steiner with the Brcko Arbitrage Commission, the representatives of the political parties: SDA, HDZ, SDP, LBO, UBSD and MBO decided to call on the voters to register for the September local elections.
Summary SRT News
Banja Luka – The RS President, Plavsic met the US State Secretary Albright and discussed implementation of the civilian aspects of the DPA, especially the return of refugees and freedom of movement. The US Special Envoy Gelbard and Charge d’Affaires Beecraft were also present. After a one-hour meeting, State Department Spokesman Burns said that Ms. Albright presented a firm US policy with regard to implementation of the DPA. Therefore, they asked the RS to co-operate because the refugees must return and the problem of war criminals must be solved. One of the issues of the meeting was harassment of Serbs in Croatia. Members of the Association of Families of Missing Persons gathered in front of the Presidency in a peaceful protest. Plavsic and Albright exchanged presents.3:00
Sarajevo – Members of BiH Presidency met Albright and discussed the establishment of the Standing Committee for the Military Issues. The RS and Federation Defence Ministers and Main HQ Commanders also attended the meeting. Krajisnik said that they are in favour of the option of peace and development of relations and co-operation between the military forces. After the meeting with Albright, they talked with the US Senator Levy about the presence of international forces in BiH and implementation of peace after the departure of SFOR, as well as possibilities for SFOR to stay if necessary. Krajisnik said that relations between the forces must be developed up to the stage where they can be used to implement peace. ‘If we succeed to create such an atmosphere in which everyone in BiH would be satisfied, then we shouldn’t fear war once when SFOR leaves,’ Krajisnik said, adding that economic and political presence of the international community in BiH is desirable because ‘we want to become a part of the international community and fully co-operate with it.’
Brcko – After she spent some time at the SFOR McGovern Camp, Albright came to the Brcko bridge and addressed the guests and media saying that ‘we are here to open the bridge for civilian use. This bridge will lead us out of the 20th century.’ Albright also noted that Serbs destroyed the bridge during the war, although the truth is that the Croats did it first on their side of the river. CoM Co-chair Silajdzic, who was also present, was a bit angry because he didn’t see any symbols of BiH on the bridge, but he expressed his satisfaction that this bridge will be open for traffic. Bosic said that he hopes that the tragedy related to this bridge is finally over and that it will be used for the purpose it was built – to connect people.
Different media opinion:
- The White House sent its message to Croatian President Tudjman by Albright not to count on European integration and financial support if he doesn’t ensure return of Serbs who were expelled from their homes in the course of HV military operations in 1995.
- Le Monde reported that the Council for Implementation of the DPA which held its session in Sintra, asked from the RS to modify their Property Law for the purpose of inhabiting as much Muslims in the RS territory as possible.
Muslims and their leadership are not satisfied with the international community’s decision to appoint Mr. Westendorp as the HR. According to public surveys that the Muslim media carried our recently, it seems that the current HR Bildt’s Deputy Steiner was the one they preferred to replace his boss.
- German media report that financial aid aimed at all three sides in BiH will depend on implementation and co-operation of the parties. German Foreign Minister Kinkel said that after a year and a half since the DPA has been signed, none of its civilian aspects have been implemented.
Korita village near Bileca – Local SDS organised a gathering of families and relatives of 156 residents of Korita village who were slaughtered and thrown into the pit by the Ustashas in World War II.
World news:
Mostar – Celebrations of the National Day of Croatia caused very negative reactions among Muslims and their leadership. Muslim Deputy Mayor Orucevic said that some extremist Croat politicians are defying the international community at the moment when it is doing its best to unify the city.