
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 9 March 1999


US Special Envoy Gelbard arrived to Bosnia today. However, there were no details on his visit or meetings he held. Gelbard visited the “Eagle” base in Tuzla, and was supposed to meet HR Westendorp in late afternoon.

RTV BiH brought an excerpt from Izetbegovic’s interview given to BiH Press. In his interview, Izetbegovic said: My opinion may surprise you, but I truly believe that Poplasen got the biggest credits for the Brcko – District decision. It is no secret that international factors were discussing for a long time to leave Brcko in the RS, not because it was a righteous thing to do, but the easiest. By his reputation of Seselj’s man as well as his attitude in the past six months, Poplasen definitely assured them this was not possible. The second deserving man is Arbiter, Owen who had the courage to admit this fact. So, thank to two of them, and some other time about contributions of the rest of us.”

The round table on the third entity was finished today. Most of the participants of the meeting believe that Croats are in difficult position in BiH and that something has to be changed. Main HDZ Secretary, Marko Tokic said that there are models which could enable freedom of identity within only one entity, such is model of Belgium or Switzerland, but Tokic said, that the Peace Implementation Process is going toward negation of such possibility and that adaptation of identity within BiH implicates the question: can BiH enable freedom of three identities without three entities? The final message of the meeting was that Croats see their future in BiH in building and development of their full national freedoms and in tight co-operation with republic of Croatia. Presentations at the meeting showed that war and the aftermath disputed not only Croat identity but also Croat sufficiency in BiH. Dayton solutions and their implementation additionally contribute to this. The general assessment is that supplements to the Dayton in the form of the third entity would open the chance for preservation of the Croat identity and sufficiency.

Semi-annual session of NATO HQ commanders began today in Brussels. Main subjects of the session will be the recent events in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Attacks of about 7000 Serbian Army and police continued in north and south of Kosovo, Kosovo Information Centre reported. According to the Kosova Press agency, three KLA members were killed yesterday and seven wounded, while the Serbian side “has got great casualties and technical losses”. Member of Albanian negotiation team, Agani said that Kosovo Albanians may sign the Peace Agreement by the end of the day.

Realisation of Podvelezje reconstruction project began a year and a half ago, and more that 10 million DEM was spent on the reconstruction of 350 houses, electrification and other facilities. However, there are no significant returns to Podvelezje, that is, only 700 residents returned and about 150 housing units are resided.

A group of BiH citizens decided to raise lawsuit against the State, the Federation and banks, due to $1.8 billion debt of the pre-war foreign currency savings toward citizens.