
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 9 July 1998


CoM session was finished today in Sarajevo. Civilian Affairs Minister deputy Recica said that the CoM agreed that issuing of the new passports must begin as late as the end of this month. The Law on Execution of Budget was also considered and it was confirmed that entities must carry out payment of revenues into the state budget. Matter of preparations for the meeting with the Paris Club was also discussed.

Federation Parliament HoR finished its session today. HoR adopted draft law on mediating in employing and social security of unemployed persons, draft law on humanitarian work and humanitarian actions. Proposal of the law on changes of the law on privatisation of enterprises, proposed by representative Kafedzic was not adopted, as well as proposals on the law on privatisation of enterprises, proposed by Kristo and Ivic, which are in regard with former foreign currency savings.

Diplomatic monitoring patrols started their first mission in Kosovo this morning, however, the clashes in Kosovo-Albania borderline region were intensified today. Regions of Decani and Djakovica were also the sites of heavy combats, and one of Kosovo Liberation Army commanders stated for the press that KLA holds about 50% of territory and counts several tens of thousands soldiers in the mountains.

HR deputy Schumacher met with officials of Central Bosnia Canton and Travnik municipality. Main subject of the meeting was the current situation in this canton and municipality. Reestablishment of the city of Travnik into the community of municipalities was also one of key subjects and Canton Government promised that Canton Ministry of Internal Affairs and CB Canton Government will move into the new offices by the end of the month. Schumacher also met with Travnik Mufti discussing the matter of religious freedoms, after the recent incident in Jajce.

Herzegovina Neretva Canton Parliament held a session today in Mostar. The burning matter of legal system, which has been delayed for several months was not adopted again. HR Westendorp’s arbitration decision on this matter, made on May 19 was not carried out so far, because Croat representatives in the parliament consider that OHR decision is not constitutional, and has no legal power, while the Bosniak side is ready to implement the arbitration decision.

The town of Janja Assembly held a session today with the only subject return to Janja. 6300 Janja refugees are presently living in Tuzla/Podrinje Canton, while the rest is coming from abroad. Representatives of the assembly pointed out many problems that refugees are facing in the RS, and several aspect of RS authorities obstruction in this regard.

Cabinet of the joint command commander of the Federation Army made an announcement in regard with yesterday’s statement by SDP municipality organisation, Meholjic, who accused Izetbegovic, Federation Army HQ and Army commander Delic for the tragedy in Srebrenica. The announcement says that Meholjic manipulates with the rage of parents, spouses and children of the Srebrenica victims, for the purpose of the SDP pre-election campaign.

International Organisations in BiH spokesmen determinedly refuted the claims that they are slowing down the court procedure on the murder of former RBiH Government Co-president Turajlic. UN spokesman Ivanko said that UN is fully co-operating with the court.

HR Westendorp confirmed appointments for the RTV BiH managing board in slightly changed structure than the one proposed by the Presidency. BiH Presidency reacted to this serious violation of the MoU, and Hajric said that today’s announcement of this list was a surprising action of the OHR spokesman, and that the Presidency was not consulted about the changes of the names in the list for RTV BiH managing board. Hajric added that HR was absent when this decision was made, and he also contributed to the accordance of the MoU, and that his associates from the media department made serious mistakes during his absence. Hajric added that international mediator proposed for the RTV BiH MB is not an appropriate person due to his experience in commercial media, while RTV BiH is public media, and that Presidency has been informed on this appointment from the press.