
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 7 June 1998


Luxembourg – A very important event for BiH – bringing our country closer to the European Union – begins tomorrow. The Ministerial Council of the European Fifteen Foreign Ministers, headed by the British Minister Robin Cook, will permit the establishing of Special Relationship between the EU and BiH – a practice which was unknown in the EU until now. It has also been confirmed that a Joint Body consisting of high level representatives from both sides will be set up in Brussels, but will have its seat in Sarajevo. The task of this expert team will be to ensure implementation of the measures and activities which will help achieve speediest integration of BiH into processes and institutions of the European Fifteen.

Kosovo – An illusory peace is ruling in Kosovo today. The reason for the temporary peace is to be found in the visit of the foreign diplomats on the relation Pec – Decani – Djakovica. This ambassadors’ visit was set up by the FRY Foreign Ministry. On the other hand, Richard Holbrooke estimates that the Kosovo crisis is more dangerous than the war in BiH, since it is of a kind which can put the borders between Macedonia and Albania, and most probably Greece, under question. Klaus Kinkel thinks that political pressure on Belgrade should be supported militarily. (There follows a lengthy correspondent’s report from the US Media which suggests that Clinton has been manipulated by Milosevic once more.

Sarajevo – A very important and by its political weight a specific document entitled the MoU on transformation of RTV BiH is being handed around between cabinets in the Presidency and offices of the OHR like a hot potato. The topic of this document was a key discussion between members and guests of the independent intellectuals club Circle 99. After a four hour discussion the meeting concluded that the BiH State must have and needs to have radio and television representing all its peoples. The position of RTV BiH as foreseen in the MoU is being lowered and its economical survival is likely to be worse than that which it has today, Amila Omersoftic said in the discussion. Simon Haselock was shown answering such arguments. (The program will be repeated tomorrow after the Second news).

The Hague – The trial of Anto Furundjija begins today. He was accused of crimes committed in 1993 in the region of Central Bosnia when he was a commander of the special HVO unit the Jokers stationed in Vitez at that time. Milan Kovacevic, former Director of Prijedor Hospital, will appear at the Court in the Hague in order to speak on the expanding of his accusations.

There follow a lengthy report on the returnees questions without relating to specific events.

Sarajevo – One of the important dates for Sarajevo’s defence in the last war, was today six years ago. With a successful counter offensive the town defenders on the hill Zuc were liberated on this day.