
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 5 September 2000


News Headlines:

  • Prlic resigns from all duties in HDZ BiH – ONASA
  • Interview with dismissed (west) Mostar University Chancellor Marko Tadic
  • Dismissal of Chancellor Tadic concerns OHR because he stood for “essential” reform and university modernization – OHR spokesman Chris Bird
  • OHR declines to comment on reasons behind resignation of BiH Federation Deputy Interior Minister Ivan Bacak; adding only, it is crucial to find replacement for him at this important post as soon as possible – Chris Bird
  • Work of BiH Federation Interior Ministry not blocked by resignation of Deputy Minister Ivan Bacak, and there is no reason for it to be – BiH Federation Interior Minister Mehmed Zilic
  • HDZ BiH wants to include arrest of Dominik Ilijasevic on agenda of next session of BiH Federation Parliament
  • BiH external debt exceeds $4.5 billion – Former Deputy Minister for Foreign Trade and Economic Relations in BiH Council of Ministers Nikola Grabovac
  • Radisic initiates consultative meeting of RS officials in Bijeljina to discuss issue of BiH common passport
  • BiH Federation House of Representatives discusses problems of pensioners; representatives of pensioners repeat well-know fact concerning their position: a large percentage of pensioning population in BiH Federation is receiving the minimum pension of 117 KM
  • BiH Federation Privatization Agency issues list of companies that will be registered for large-scale privatization
  • Explosive device in Bihac destroys car of former commander of BiH Army 502nd Brigade Hamdija Abdic ‘Tigar’
  • New mass grave exhumed at Ivan Polje in Sokolac Municipality, RS
  • UN Millennium Summit to take place in New York on Wednesday
  • World news
  • OHR accuses ruling parties in BiH of obstructing establishment of BiH Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
  • Border police in Brcko arrest 12 Iranian nationals attempting to illegally cross BiH border into Croatia
  • RS Government earmarks DM 8 million in assistance to veterans, families of fallen soldiers and disabled war veterans
  • Sarajevo Canton police deny reports they could have had arrested Mirsad Delimustafic, who is also indicted of embezzlement like his brother Alija Delimustafic, but failed to do so
  • BiH Federation Association of Oil Importers accuses Federation Government of catastrophic situation they are in because they are not allowed to establish free market price for their products
  • Tuzla Canton Assembly discusses situation in canton’s banking system
  • Sarajevo Teachers Syndicate requests salary increase from January of this year and retroactive payment of those dues
  • 157 doctors in Tuzla University Clinic face eviction from apartments, possibly forcing them to leave the country
  • Announcement for TV BiH talkshow BH Teme (BiH Topics) to discuss problem of education system in BiH
  • Slippery roads cause car pileup in Sarajevo Alipasina Street on Tuesday
  • Sports
  • Weather