
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 27 march 1998


Chairman of the BH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic met with the two entities PMs Bicakcic and Dodik to review a number of issues related to establishment of economic, telecommunication and other forms of cooperation between the two entities as well as to undertake joint measures to curb inter-entity criminal activities. It was agreed that Prime Ministers Bicakcic and Dodik should meet on a regular basis to enhance this cooperation.

Mostar -Upon an initiative by the OHR, FBH President Ejup Ganic and Vice President Vladimir Soljic held talks with the top cantonal and city authorities trying to overcome an impasse in the process of return of refugees. However, the talks ended without any tangible results because of inflexibility of the Croat side. Ganic and Soljic are expected to meet US Special Envoy Robert Gelbard in Sarajevo tomorrow and have this issue at the top of its agenda.

OHR Spokesperson Ashley Byrns expressed satisfaction at a press conference in Sarajevo that the BH CoM made progress in agreement on the functioning of this body. The seat of the BH joint institutions will surely be situated in the former parliament building, she declared.

The Congress of Women in BiH concluded its work today. One of the main conclusions of this gathering are: to ensure that all political parties running in the September election include 30 per cent of female candidates, that every political party should secure active participation of women in the election campaign, that the OSCE and other international organisation provide more equitable promotion of women through the media, etc.

SFOR Spokesman Jan Justin told the press conference that SFOR troops discovered large quantities of weapons in two tunnels east of Sarajevo.

BiH Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Industry Mehmed Smajic inquired with the OHR how it was possible that the Federal authorities were not officially notified of NATO’s military exercise to be carried out in mostly agricultural areas. Minster Smajic appealed to Mr. Westendorp to exercise his authority to secure financial means to turn infertile land into agricultural areas and thus make up for the loss caused by the drill.