
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 26 march 1998


Mass Graves in Medjedja – An expert team of the State Commission for the Search of Missing Persons unearthed 81 bodies of Bosniaks killed in 1993 and 1994 at the location of Medjedja, near Mostar.

Amor Masovic, President of the State Commission confirmed that the evidence indicated that some of the victims were burned, and that an overall 120 bodies had been unearthed in the Mostar municipality during the period of nine days.

Sarajevo – The congress of the BiH women was held in Sarajevo today. The SDA delegate, Suada Paravlic launched a complaint to the organizers, the OSCE and Hand Alternative, that SDA delegates were not included in the organization of the congress, underlining that the electorate of 500,000 women support the SDA and thus should be adequately represented.

Numerous domestic and international officials attended the Congress and addressed the participants. Most participants spoke about women being under-represented in all the vital segments of public life, and politics in particular and requested better representation of female candidates at the forthcoming September elections.

Sarajevo – An agreement on the implementation of the Law regulating functioning of CoM has been reached at today’s session of this body. The CoM also accepted the OHR’s proposal that the location of BiH institutions should be resolved on the concept of district.

The Ministers debated at length on the Law on Travel Documents, that is, on the issue of printing of forms. Co-Chair Boro Bosic stated that it was the case of “a deliberate obstruction” and that he intended to request Mr. Westendorp’s assistance in this matter. The ministers failed to agree on the selection of candidates to represent BiH at the WB, IMF, and the European Bank.

The 4th Donors Conference on BiH will be held in Brussels on 7 and 8 May . In light of that fact, FBiH PM Edhem Bicakcic requested greater efficiency from his associates at today’ s session of the FBiH Government.

Muamer Herceglija was elected the President of the FBiH Constitutional Court, and Katarina Mandic, his deputy. Both are judges of this court and their term of appointment will last a year.