
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 26 Feb. 1998


26 February 98, 19:30

BiH Presidency held a session, and adopted Croatian proposal on establishing the Council for Cooperation of BiH and Republic of Croatia. The Presidency also made decision about establishing the Croatian Consular Section in Banja Luka. The Presidency was also discussed the matter of location for all institutions of the state. The proposal on district with joint institutions was also adopted, as said by CoM Co-chairman, Bosic, adding that assistance of OHR will be asked.

CoM held a session and concluded that OHR will assist in organization and systematization of the BiH CoM. It was also concluded that the Ministry of FA should finalize the agreement with the Commission for Missing Persons. The CoM also verified information on concluded contract with the German company “Bundesdruckerei” that took the obligation of printing BiH passports. CoM Co-chairman Bosic said that it is expected that issuing of BiH passports should begin from May 1.

BiH Parliament HoP held a session and adopted the program of work of the Federal Government. Federation Prime Minister Bicakcic said that the Federation Govt work is based on implementation of the DPA. HoP also discussed the Law on Changes of the Law on Selling of Apartments and The Law on Abolishing the Law on Abandoned Apartments, the first one was adopted through the urgent procedure, while the second one was only discussed. Bosniak representatives asked to adopt this law today, but Croat representatives asked for further consultations.

The Contact Group meeting was held in Moscow. HR Westendorp reported on the DPA implementation carried out so far. The official statement of the CG is that the IC will support those who fulfill the obligations, and HR Westendorp was also approved to use his authority when the peace process is obstructed. CG also supported the election of the RS new Government. CG also stressed the need for the full implementation of the Sarajevo Declaration, and BiH authorities were called to pass the laws on ownership with no delay. CG also appealed on all sides to cooperate with the International Supervisor for Brcko, Farrand, and to respect the decision of the Arbitration Tribunal.

US Special Envoy Gelbard reported on his visit to the countries of former Yugoslavia, saying that it is essential to crush down all separatist and nationalist aims of the extremists on the areas of former Yugoslavia. Gelbard also expressed his deep concern for the statements of Croatian officials, and said that they either do not understand or do not support the DPA regulations. Gelbard again send a message to Tudjman to watch his mouth and decision he makes. He also appealed on Bosniaks to discard the mentality of maintaining the current status and to face economic privatization. According to Gelbard’s statement, the Bosniak side is the key culprit for being late in the privatization process.

BiH TV news US correspondent reported on BiH Ambassador to the UN Sacirbegovic’s statement, who said that about 40-50 Srebrenica citizens might be imprisoned in Sremska Mitrovica (FRY). Sacirbegovic calls upon statements of one Bosniak and one Croat, given separately. Sacirbegovic also stressed that these prisoners might not be reported to the International Red Cross.

Flash News

  • Voluntarily surrendered war crime indictee, Simo Zaric plead before the ICTY not guilty as charged.
  • Exhumation of bodies of Croat civilians in Kakanj area should commence on Wednesday.
  • Contact Group also condemned the recent statements of the Croatian President Tudjman.