
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 25 Nov. 1997


25 November 97, 19:30

Sarajevo – The Day of Statehood was celebrated in a part of BiH. Unfortunately, like it was in the previous five years, this day was ignored in part of the BiH. On the occasion of the Day of Statehood, the CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic organised a reception in the BiH Presidency. Silajdzic said that if the IC help Bosnia to create the multi-ethnic BiH, then, it will fulfil its assignment honourably. He added that those who appeal to the multi-ethnic BiH are knocking on an opened door. On the occasion of the Day of the Statehood, the Federal Prime-minister Bicakcic visited Veteran’s graveyard ‘Kovaci’. After planting wreaths, and saying a prayer, Bicakcic said that this is one more victory over fascism like it was back in 1943. The Day of Statehood was also celebrated in Tuzla, Zenica, Bihac and Eastern Mostar, but for the citizens of Western Mostar, this was just an ordinary working day.

Sarajevo – UN spokesman Ivanko said that the rally “Bridges of Friendship – Mostar ’97”, was banned by the ‘police administration’ in the Southeast part of the town. As said by Ivanko, the UN Special Envoy Eide expressed his bitterness about this decision of the Western Mostar authorities, who called upon the civilian regulations of so-called ‘Croatian Republic Herceg-Bosna’ in order to excuse for their decisions.

Sarajevo – BiH is the chairman of the next session of the Countries of European Initiative. The minister of Foreign Affairs’ deputy Zivalj said that BiH is honoured by the good will of the members of this organisation to hold a meeting in Sarajevo.

Brussels – Ministers of the Foreign Affairs in EU agreed about all the important matters regarding the DPA implementation in BiH. HR Westendorp was also present at the session and stressed that a special anti-corruption unit might be formed in the OHR. Westendorp also refuted the claims about a protectorate. He stressed that there are difficulties in some BiH municipalities, especially Brcko, Srebrenica, Mostar and Drvar. Westendorp stressed that it is desirable and possible to arrest war criminals within the term of SFOR mandate, because there will not be so many soldiers after that. Answering the question who is to blame that war criminals were not arrested yet, Westendorp said that those who signed the DPA accepted its obligations. Westendorp added that if the NATO Secretary General says that all war criminals will be arrested before the departure of SFOR, then it should be clear to everyone.

The subjects of the forthcoming meeting in Bonn will be: the results and problems of the DPA implementation, which will be raised by Westendorp, the realisation of the Sintra decisions, regarding the Human Rights, the return of refugees, the analysis of productivity in the field of BiH reconstruction and economy development, the analysis of the joint institutions work, and the situation in Brcko.

Washington – The BiH Federation Co-president Ganic met with the US Special Envoys for the DPA implementation Gelbard, and Covey. Ganic said that the Americans are not fully satisfied with the DPA implementation progress. Furthermore, what worries America is that most of the Federal laws were not passed yet, preventing investment in BiH. As for the Federation, the matter of the refugee return in Central Bosnia was also discussed, as well as the return of Serbs to Sarajevo. Ganic told Americans who support the return of Serbs from Brcko, that there is a lack of space in Sarajevo, and that two men cannot fit a pair of shoes.

Sarajevo – ONASA reported, based on the Serb radio from Pale, that SDS won 32.88% of votes in the elections held on the last weekend. Biljana Plavsic’s SNS follows with 20.2% of votes, while the Serb Radical Party is third with 18.48% of votes. Socialist Party won 12.1%, The Party of Independent Social Democrats 3.69%, CDUBiH won 1,46%, Serb Party of Posavina and Krajina 1.29%, and the Coalition ‘For King and Country’ 1.22% of votes.

Sarajevo – The election Appellation Subcommittee Chairman informed SDS Acting President Buha, that the OSCE decision about removing the candidates from the election list might be abolished if Karadzic’s posters were removed from the public. OSCE spokesman Sahner said that OSCE was informed about the results of the elections published by some media. He also said that the results cannot be official before the counting of votes is finished.

UNHCR spokesman Janovski acclaimed the opening of the commercial bus lines between entities, and said that this represents a real progress regarding the normalisation of the relations.

UN spokesman Ivanko said that international organisations had a negative response to the request of the Una/Sana Canton authorities to be approved for the arrest of Refik Dolic, one of the elected Councillors of DNZ for the Municipality Council Velika Kladusa. Dolic was accused for money embezzlement, and as said by Ivanko, he cannot be arrested before his diplomatic immunity is cancelled.

Sarajevo – Sarajevo Canton Governor, Haracic and the Italian Ambassador Chiarinni signed the Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum approved a donation for Sarajevo for the amount of 11 million DEM. Haracic said that these donations were mentioned for the reconstruction of facades on some important objects in Sarajevo, and the reconstruction of a certain square, that would probably be called after the European Union.