
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 24 June 1998


BiH Presidency President Izetbegovic is in official visit to Brussels. Izetbegovic held discussions with NATO Secretary General Solana. Main topics of the discussion were NATO engagement in civilian part of the DPA implementation and the Standing Military Committee. In regard with Annex 7 implementation, Izetbegovic also welcomed decision on forming special SFOR unit for prevention of civilian disorders.

BiH Presidency President Izetbegovic also met with NATO Commander for Europe Clark. Izetbegovic and Clark discussed military and security situation in BiH and the region as well as the “Equip and Train” programme. Izetbegovic also pointed out to the danger by some media in BiH that are still using hostile language. In this regard, General Clark promised that SFOR will intensify media monitoring in BiH, in co-operation with OHR and OSCE.

Islamic Development Bank, Mohammed Ali held a press conference. Ali said that the conference has shown concrete results and some more projects were presented today.

An explosion occurred in Central Bosnian Canton, in the village of Neric Polje Novi Travnik municipality. Civilians Spomenko Curak and Darko Fisic were killed in the explosion of Curak’s summer kitchen. MUP commenced the investigation, with the presence of IPTF and SFOR representatives.

Presidency member Zubak received UN Special Envoy Rehn deputy, Morris. the meeting was organised due to worsened situation in Central Bosnia Canton and Travnik municipality where incidents, involving casualties of Croat returnees are often recently.

Tense situation is in Pristina and Obilic municipalities of FRY province Kosovo. Yugoslav Army helicopters and planes were cruising over Pristina today, while Serbian ground forces kept shelling villages of Klina municipality. Kosovo Democratic Alliance appealed on foreign factors to prevent the violence in Kosovo.

US Ambassador to UN Hoolbroke met with Macedonian President Gligorov and Prime Minister Crvenkoski. Main subject of the meeting was the situation in Kosovo.

Political Committee of the European Council Parliament Assembly determined draft resolution on Kosovo on the second day of conference in Strasbourg. The resolution demands from FRY, among other things, to cease the violence against civilians in Kosovo, and allow return of refugees and displaced persons.

New BiH currency was officially issued yesterday. In Mostar, the public was informed about the distribution process of the new currency.

BiH Press reported that SDS Main Board decided that Krajisnik will candidate for the post of Presidency member in September elections.

Alternative Ministerial Council confirmed candidacy of Senka Nozica and Miodrag Zivanovic for Presidency members in the forthcoming elections.