IPTF HQ in Drvar was attacked and burned as the first in serial of attacks that occurred in Drvar this morning. Twelve persons were injured in these incidents, among which is also the Drvar Mayor, Marceta. IPTF spokesman McDowell said that this morning about 11 o’clock about 400 Croats started to throw stones at the office of Drvar Mayor, who was seriously injured. McDowell said that several buildings were burned and that the whole event was organised. Presidency member Zubak also condemned this morning’s events in Drvar appealing on all sides to restrain from further violence. HR deputy Klein said that the IC and OHR are condemning these acts of organised political violence that happened in Drvar, just the same as the shameful incident in Derventa that happened yesterday. Klein also said that the IC would not allow similar incidents to happen again and that the IC will not stand aside. About 100 Serb who recently returned to Drvar escaped from the town this morning.
An incident occurred in Derventa yesterday when Catholic mass was supposed to be held, along with Cardinal Puljic and about 60 other Croat Catholics. A bomb was thrown at the Cardinal and the people, but it did not explode. Puljic said that everything was taking place with the presence of the Serb police, and there were no international forces except for one IPTF representative. It is interesting that when the event happened, several armoured vehicles were crawling on the way Doboj – Bosanski Brod. Puljic also assessed that this was no spontaneous gathering of Serb civilians, but it was organised by Serb extremists. BH president Izetbegovic addressed a letter to Cardinal Puljic in which he expressed his solidarity with Puljic and condemns the event in Derventa. US Embassy also condemned the act of violence in Derventa as well as the UN Special Envoy, Rehn. OHR spokesman, Haselock said that incidents in Derventa and all others are influencing the trust of the people who wish to return.
BH Presidency held a session, and discussed the matter of the joint institutions residency and concluded that the Parliament building in Marijin Dvor will be the central of services necessary for functioning of the BiH joint institutions. The Presidency President, and Presidency members decided about this, after they considered the problem of BH institutions location with HR deputy Schumacher.
A New Croatian initiative was packed into the anti-Dayton package. The first one was co-capitalisation, the second one was Tudjman’s proposal for demilitarisation of BH, and the third initiative is a proposal of Presidency member Zubak’, cabinet chief, Raguz and the HDZ President, Rajic to divide BH into three ethnic areas. BiH President Izetbegovic’s spokesman, Jerkovic said that Dayton agreement is the foundation and architecture for coexistence in BH and peace in the region. HR Westendorp called inconsistent Tudjman’s proposal for changes of DPA and Dayton borders. Croatian Government said that only solution for BiH is the DPA implementation, said Government spokesman, Jurica.
Heavy shelling shook the region of Decani in Yugoslav province of Kosovo. Yugoslav army explained 16 killed civilians at the border as an attempt of terrorist infiltration. FRY published results of yesterday’s referendum. Almost 95% of population voted against Western intervention in resolving Kosovo crisis.
After it was published that French military officer contacted Karadzic, French Presidency gave the statement in which is not refuted that French officer contacted Karadzic. French Ministry of Defense announced that actions of the officer did not jeopardise Karadzic’s arrest in any way.