22 January 98, 19:30
This morning at about 8 o’clock in Bijeljina, NATO troops arrested Goran Jelisic, one of the seven indicted for crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and severe violations of the Geneva Convention. Jelisic was the Commander of the ‘Luka’ camp near Brcko during the war. The ICTY confirmed that Jelisic called himself a killer and the “Serb Adolf” for Bosniaks. (BiH TV also published a photo and video material on which Jelisic is shown during the executions he committed.) SFOR spokesman Garneau said that NATO Secretary General Solana authorised this action, as did the NATO Commander for Europe. It was also announced that Jelisic had ordered or personally committed 16 murders included in the indictment. Solana said that NATO will do everything in its power to show war criminals in BiH that they belong at the Tribunal. (BiH TV also broadcast the testimony of an eye witness from the ‘Luka’ camp.) Goran Jelisic was transferred to the Hague during the day.
A session of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliament was held today, with almost the same agenda as the HoP session yesterday. The Law on Starting Balance of Banks and Enterprises was adopted, as well as the Law on Bank Privatisation, and the law on Constitution of the new municipalities. Representative Leto warned about the existence of ‘dual’ enterprises, registered in Herceg Bosna, a>nd the Federation. He pointed out that this problem might cause a ‘dual privatisation’ process. HoR also discussed the draft Law on War Veterans’ Status.
The President of the Great Turkish People’s Assembly, Cetin, visited BiH today. Cetin will meet with BiH officials and visit the Turkish SFOR Battalion in Zenica.
A BH Delegation visiting Turkey met with the Business Council. The matter of Turkish investments in BiH were discussed, as well as the joint presentation of the BiH and Turkish economy. CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic said that BiH could have done more in the field of economics, but it had not. “We do not how to handle the money”, explained Silajdzic.
BH Federation Prime-minister, Bicakcic, and Minister for Refugees, Kadic, talked to representatives of the International Office for Employment. The Office offered technical programmes for co-operation, so that new programmes might be expected to amount to $1.8 million US.
The European Union decided to dedicate another $110 million for hastening the return of refugees. This great turning point was caused by objections of the European Budgetary Control Committee against the European Commission, last week in Brussels. HR Westendorp also agreed with all the objections of the Committee, regarding the realisation of donations for the reconstruction programme in BiH. One of the objections was also against the letter of BiH Fed Prime Minister Bicakcic, where he complained about the non-cooperation of the European Committee in BH.
Silajdzic addressed a letter to Federation Prime minister Bicakcic, and RS Prime Minister Dodik. In his letter, Silajdzic says that the lack of legal regulations on the state level causes huge problems regarding the matter of privatisation. Silajdzic says that the entities are not the states, and cannot give more rights to the property than the State has. In the event that the entities sell their private property to private owners, such transfer would be illegal. Silajdzic also proposed co-operation in preparing the draft Law on Privatisation, which would realise the privatisation process promptly, legally, and equally.
Sir Martin Garrod asked the Federation authorities to mediate in the “Energopetrol” case. The employees of the “Energopetrol” enterprise finally started reconstruction of the gas station after many days of prohibition by the West Mostar police. Garrod also recommended the works to proceed before the matter is resolved.
HR deputy Schumacher commented on the new Government of the RS, saying that the former government neglected everything. Ministries in Banja Luka are starting from zero. the Minister of Finance does not even have a secretary or computer. Under these conditions, I would not burden the new government too much with expectations, but it is necessary that the Office and the new Government begin to co-ordinate activities as soon as possible. The two things that I have in my mind are firstly that all ministries must determine the budget to propose to the Parliament. This budget must also include the contribution for the joint BH institutions. The second matter is in regard to the legislature and passing the laws on property, in order to establish conditions for the return of refugees to the RS. Schumacher also said that he has no doubt that the new Government will implement the Dayton Agreement, as soon as it is established.
Bosniak representatives in refuge in the Una/Sana Canton have a special role in the process of refugee return. Efforts will be made for them to be the first to return to the Canton, in order to show by their example that return is feasible.