
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 22 April 1998


Memorandum on Understanding was signed at OHR in regard with establishment of inter-entity postal transport. Memorandum was signed by entities ministers in charge and with the presence of HR deputy Klein. The memorandum also says that the inter-entity postal transport will be established immediately.

ICTY Head Prosecutor, Arbour finished her visit to BiH. At the press conference, Mrs. Arbour also expressed her assurance that Karadzic will face the justice in the Hague, but she refused to speculate with quotes that Karadzic is negotiating about surrender, as well as that he will find himself in the Hague in the next month or two. Arbour also said that if Karadzic’s guilt is once proven at the Court, he should spend the rest of his life in prison. Arbour was also presented at the exhumation of the first mass grave with remains of Bosniaks killed after siege of Srebrenica, near Zvornik.

Legal experts forensic team carried out autopsy of bodies exhumed from Balinovac locality near Mostar. Member of forensics team, Dobraca announced the results of experts team works and said that in the cases of violent death, injuries of bodies were caused by firearms. The experts’ team is currently trying to determine identity of 16 victims found in Balinovac.

Mostar Mayor Orucevic and Vice Mayor Prskalo visited Mostar municipalities in order to take insight into possibilities for refugee return to Mostar.

Unknown persons bombed five houses near Stolac last night. Houses were completely demolished and the joint police in Stolac commenced investigation of this and earlier cases.

Presidency member Zubak received US Ambassador Kauzlarich discussing the matters of the recently held Federation Forum session. Situation in the BiH Federation Army was also discussed as well as Banja Luka return conference and the latest draft agreements on special relations between BiH and Croatia. Zubak also met with UN Special Envoy, Rehn. The main subject of the discussion was difficulties in police restructuring process. Zubak also met with Sarajevo Canton Croat representatives and the main issues were implementation of the protocol for Sarajevo Canton establishment, implementation of the Sarajevo declaration and activities for speeding return of Croats to Sarajevo.

CoM delegation continued its visit to Sweden. At the press conference, held after the meeting with the Swedish Prime Minister, CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic said that DPA is weakly implemented, which strengthens the division of BiH. Serb representatives, ministers Albijanic and Bozanic expressed the standpoint that return of refugees might cause another war in BiH. Silajdzic disagreed with this standpoint, saying that obstruction of return would mean realisation of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Co-chairman Bosic supported demilitarisation of BiH saying that with BiH as a tampon-zone between Croatia and FRY, the whole region would be safe, from outburst of another war between the RS Army, Bosniak Army (adding that he means Army of BiH) and HVO. CoM delegation also met with former HR in BiH, Bildt who asked why the adopted laws are not being implemented. Bosic said that laws are adopted only declarative and that standpoints of three sides are mainly different.

HDZ BiH President, Rajic addressed a letter to HR Westendorp in which he calls on authority of the HR, demanding to find out the truth about the fate of 21 Croats from Bugojno, who were took from a camp near Bugojno five years ago.

Konjic municipality Governor, Bubalo and President of Konjic Municipality Council, Stojanovic addressed a letter to HR Westendorp, due to cut incomes for the project Konjic – an open city. The letter says that Konjic municipality expected to receive 4646 displaced persons and has initiated additional constructions for refugees’ accommodation.