
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 21 September 2000


News Headlines:

  • Dutch Government urgently approves $25 million to support acceleration of minority returns in BiH
  • Japanese Government approves $4.4 million to assist BiH refugee returns
  • Twenty-nine families with total of 145 members that returned to Kosovo village in Travnik Municipality 30 days ago still living in improvised tent settlement
  • EC External Affairs Commissioner Chris Patten expected to visit BiH and point finger at politicians and institutions that are obstructing process of economic and political reform
  • OSCE says Croat member of BiH Presidency Ante Jelavic totally misinterpreted additional PEC rules on multimember constituencies in speech of 15 September in Mostar – OSCE spokesman Luke Zahner tells press conference
  • Sarajevo University Rector Nedzad Mulabegovic resigns, Boris Tihi elected new Rector
  • BiH Federation Government decides it will replace those who continue obstructing implementation of BiH Federation property laws
  • Mostar Mayor Safet Orucevic says both law and justice are on side of Mostar citizens in dispute between Mostar Administration and BiH Elektroprivreda over allocation of part of BiH Elektroprivreda revenues to Mostar city budget
  • World news: EU External Affairs Commissioner Chris Paten arrives in Kosovo and urges people there to make democratic choice in upcoming elections
  • Dragan Stankovic, born in Foca and indicted for war crimes, apprehended by Bosnian Podrinje Canton police officers on Wednesday and transferred to Sarajevo Canton Court on due legal procedure
  • Sarajevo Canton police officers find large weapons cache in certain private apartments in Ilidza Municipality during operation carried out late on Wednesday
  • SDA will request BiH Council of Ministers to discuss extended stay of BiH Council of Ministers Chairman Spasoje Tusevljak in Sydney at next session – SDA spokesman tells press conference in Sarajevo
  • If PEC does not adopt rules for election of representatives in BiH House of Peoples by 11 November, HDZ BiH will reconsider participation in November elections – HDZ spokesman tells journalists in Mostar
  • New Croat Initiative (NHI) BiH urges all Croats in BiH to accept fact that there are persons responsible for war crimes among them, and not to accept HDZ BiH propaganda ploys
  • BiH Republican Party maintains that High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch should use his authorities to de-block work of BiH common institutions
  • Balkan Enterprise Facility opens central office in Sarajevo, and it will support small and mid-size enterprise development in BiH, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania
  • BiH Federation Banking Agency announces that Tuzlanska Banka interim management collected more than four million KM from Tuzlanska Banka debtors by 19 September 2000
  • Zenica trade unions announce that Zenica workers will go on general strike if authorised state bodies do not undertake concrete measures to save Zenica from dying
  • Banovici municipal authorities start forced eviction of 184 refugees, including 30 children without parents from one building in this town, giving them documents to temporary use other apartments in Banovici also belonging to pre-war residents of Serb nationality
  • Chief of Bosanska Krupa Police Jadranko Saran denies claims that mujahedins evicted from Bocinja are moving to village of Perna near Bosanska Krupa
  • Head of BiH Orthodox Church Nikolai serves holy liturgy on occasion of celebration of Nativity Virgin Mary
  • Culture: Jadranka Stojakovic, famous Bosnian singer born in Sarajevo who currently lives in Japan to hold concert on Friday in Sarajevo following 12-year absence
  • Sports
  • Weather

BiH TV News Summary of Late Night Newscast, 21 September 2000

Late Night Newscast Headlines:

  • Ademir Jerkovic, advisor to BiH Presidency Chairman Alija Izetbegovic, says his visit to China this week was very fruitful and successful, and it represents new impulse in improving mutual relations
  • BiH Federation Government says OHR has made implementation of property laws in RS impossible because, by replacing RS Deputy Refugee Minister, the competent has been left without administration
  • BiH Federation Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic says that IC replaces officials in BiH Federation without warning, while RS officials are offered choice of resigning and are not banned for life from politics
  • BiH Federation Deputy Prime Minister Dragan Covic accuses SFOR of illegal sale of enormous amounts of cigarettes throughout BiH
  • US Embassy supports Mostar Administration claim on one part of BiH Elektroprivreda and Elektroprivreda Herceg-Bosna revenues to establish city budget
  • Zenica-Doboj Canton Government decides on establishment of Canton Treasury Department
  • Brcko District Assembly adopts new tax system valid throughout entire Brcko District
  • Total of 46 persons diagnosed with tuberculosis in Zenica so far this year
  • German SFOR Brigade presents results of SFOR Harvest Operation 2000 to date, in which large amounts of illegal weapons collected, including 731 hand grenades, 15 anti-personnel mines, and 11,229 rounds of ammunition
  • Representatives of Banovici refugees facing evictions meet with senior municipal officials to find solution to their problems