
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 16 October 1998


NATO ultimatum to FRY President Milosevic expires Saturday morning. The NATO Council at their session in Brussels held this evening made decision that the deadline for withdrawal Yugoslav Army and Police troops from Kosovo will be prolonged to October 27. The agreement on OSCE verification mission in Kosovo was signed today between Milosevic and OSCE Chairman Geremek. Kosovo Albanians leader Rugova said new FRY troops are arriving to Kosovo.

The village of Ahmici is one of those places in BiH that will make aggression on BiH be remembered in both, domestic and foreign public. The ICTY still deals with crimes committed in 1993 over the residents of this village. The reconstruction of 37 of 185 houses in Ahmici was completed today and is a part of the project of reconstruction of houses for returnees, implemented by the UNHCR in the entire Bosnia.

Residents of the Klisa village, TPK authorities representatives, UNHCR and the Office for Refugee Return agreed on the final plan for return to Klisa. The realisation of plan will begin in three days.

HR Westendorp met with representatives of RS authorities in Banja Luka, discussing the matters of establishing the RS Assembly and Government establishment and the issues of urgent passing of the housing laws. After he met with the head people of the “Sloga” coalition Dodik, Radisic and Plavsic, Westendorp said that this coalition block, according to IC opinion should have the possibility to form the RS Government.

CoM Minister for Civilian Affairs and Communications, Albijanic and Croatian Minister of Traffic, Luzavec signed the agreement in Zagreb on establishing the river traffic via the Sava River. The Annex of the agreement on joint renewal of traffic between BiH and Croatia was also signed.

Ministry of Urban Planning of BiH Federation noticed misuses of the Law on Abolishing the Law on Abandoned Apartments regarding the fictive return in order to sell apartments. The Federation Government said that the Federation Minister for Urban Planning Morankic addressed instructions to the Cantonal Ministry that in their future work, the returnees must present the evidence on their actual return. The evidence must include returnees confirmation of return and exact number of his family members who return with him, the place from which they are returning, and confirmation that returnee will not sell his apartment for at least five years nor rent it in any way.

The deadline for establiushment of the joint municipal administration of Zepce expired yesterday. The deadline was determined by HR Senior Deputy Ambassador Schumacher, and since there has not been any progress, OHR addressed a severe warning to Zepce leading officials. OHR said they will not tolerate obstructions of the agreement on joint functioning of authorities.

Federation Government held a meeting, upon request of soldiers’ population, and discussed the issues of soldiers’ booklets. Soldiers’ organisations representatives demanded speeding of the soldiers’ certificates realisation regarding the unpaid soldiers’ wages, and stressed they would not allow this process to be slowed down due to non-co-operation of HVO members.

Project of reconstruction of apartments in the “Aerodrom” settlement was finished today with celebration of hand-over of keys to 185 apartments to their pre-war residents.

SDP addressed a letter to HR Westendorp, which says that the SDP supports the legislative measures brought by the HR and demands from Westendorp to implement them categorically and within scheduled deadlines.