
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 16 January 2000

News Headlines

  • Vitez Croats block Zenica-Travnik for one hour in protest over The Hague Tribunal’s verdict in ‘Kupreskic and Others’ case
  • Association of BiH Camp Inmates protests over HDZ BiH statement on ICTY verdict
  • Serbian police still searching for Arkan’s killer
  • Arkan’s murder reflects general situation in Yugoslav society – Serbian opposition
  • The Hague Tribunal requests confirmation of Arkan death
  • Arkan one more in series of Milosevic’s followers who ended up dead – media in Brussels
  • Nothing of vital importance destroyed in Saturday’s fire in SDA offices
  • Voting repeated in 11 polling stations for Croatian parliamentary elections
  • World news
  • Six Sarajevo police officers depart for Graz, Austria, for border service training
  • First group of BiH policemen for East Timor peace mission to depart at end of February
  • April elections in BiH will indicate chances for forming larger coalition blocs for elections in October – Liberal-Civic Coalition President Ibrahim Spahic
  • BiH Independent Trade Union warns political parties to not manipulate with workers in their pre-election campaigns
  • Roundtable of Circle 99 Independent Intellectuals discusses problems of invalids in BiH
  • ‘Who Made Mistakes in BiH’ roundtable of VKBI discussed BiH prospects of enduring as a state in future
  • Seminar on journalistic code of ethics concludes in Livno
  • Lack of funds main obstacle to refugee returns in BiH – BiH Federation Refugee Minister Sulejman Garib
  • 120 refugee families have lived in Jablanica refugee camp Gornja Kolonija for the past seven years
  • Buzim, the youngest municipality in BiH, faces huge economic problems
  • Cardinal Vinko Puljic visits Orasje Municipality in northern BiH
  • Lack of artistic criteria devaluates image of BiH artists in the world
  • Sports
  • Weather
  • Former prisoner of The Hague Tribunal Dragan Papic arrives in Vitez

News Summary

BiH Association of Camp Inmates protests over HDZ BiH statement on ICTY verdict

The BiH Association of Camps Inmates is disappointed with the HDZ BiH position on the Hague Tribunal’s verdict on five Croats indicted of war crimes. In a press release issued on Sunday, the Association assessed that it could understand the support the HDZ BiH and Croatia gave indicted Croats when they departed for The Hague. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. However, the support given to those found guilty cannot be understood. The Association welcomed the ICTY verdict, adding that a “sentence of 62 years in prison for the murder of over 100 civilians could be considered as being light.”


‘Who Made Mistakes in BiH’ roundtable of VKBI discussed BiH prospects of enduring as a state in future

The main topic of concern in BiH today is the country’s ability to survive as an independent state in the post-Dayton period, Professor Dzenana Efendic-Semiz told a VKBI roundtable ‘Who Made Mistake in BiH’ held in Sarajevo on Sunday. Professor Efendic-Semiz asserted that the current situation in BiH is the result of the unfair Dayton Agreement that imposed the model of a state that has never been seen in legal theory and/or practice. On such foundations there is only a slim chance for BiH to remain an independent state in the future in the framework of its recognized borders, Efendic-Semiz concluded.


Seminar on journalistic code of ethics concludes in Livno

A three-day seminar entitled ‘Code of Journalistic Ethics in BiH’ concluded in Livno on Sunday. Journalists attending the seminar concluded there were no codes of ethics or ethical norms in BiH journalism today that could morally obligate journalists. This situation mirrors the general situation in BiH politics and society today.
