
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 14 Nov. 1997


14 November 97, 19:30

Sarajevo – At today’s session of the BiH Parliament Collegium, chaired by the newly named HR Senior Deputy Schumacher, and held at the OHR, it was confirmed that the session of both Houses of the Parliament will take place on November 18., in Sarajevo. At the meeting of the Collegium, the items on the agenda of the forthcoming meetings were considered. RS representatives insisted the discussion about the CoM law should be left for the time when laws on citizenship are proposed. Schumacher and the Federation representatives refused this, so the schedule will be determined at the meeting.

Sarajevo – Another meeting was held at the OHR, only this time it was chaired by Another Senior Deputy Klein. The main issue was the design of BiH flag. The RS representatives did not accept the solutions offered at the last meeting, but they proposed the images of the entities symbols to be displayed at the flag. Also, the letter from Presidency member Zubak was read, along with his proposals that the flag include the three national symbols. SDA Secretary General Ceman said that such solutions will not be accepted, because it has to be neutral. Ceman added that Klein will prepare some new proposals for the next meeting, which was not scheduled yet.

Zagreb – Croatian Government representative for public relations Jurica said that all the statements of BiH officials seemingly refuse the Croatian proposals, but that the official stand of the BiH Federation and the State is still awaited. Answering the question how come that all domestic and foreign diplomats consider the proposal as opposite of the spirit of DPA, Jurica said that Croatia is allowed to establish special relations with BiH entities under the Washington Agreement and the DPA. Western diplomats in Zagreb claim that the Croatian proposal is almost the same as the agreement between RS and FRY, which is not recognised by BiH or the International Community.

Sarajevo – BiH President Izetbegovic talked to the Chinese ambassador to BiH about the development of bilateral relations between BiH and China, and expressed his satisfaction with the Chinese permanent support to the unity of BiH.

Sarajevo – BiH Presidency member Zubak received a visit of the US Ambassador to BiH Kauzlarich about the current situation and relations between BiH and the BiH Federation, as well as ways to make progress in the DPA implementation. The special attention was paid on the Croatian proposal about special relations between the State of BiH and the BiH Federation. The Federation Co-president Ganic also received Kauzlarich. Kauzlarich expressed satisfaction about the conclusions from the recent Federation Forum meeting, but also stressed the need for the implementation of what has been agreed. Ganic and Kauzlarich also discussed the Croatian proposal and concluded that the agreement is not in the accordance with DPA.

Sarajevo – The constitutive session for Sarajevo municipality has not been scheduled yet, although the deadline has expired. The main problem is the allocation of authority in four Sarajevo municipalities. As said by the CDU representatives, the SDP is asking for the post of Council Chairmen.

Kotor Varos – regardless of the objections by CDU and HDZ, the block of Serb parties held the constitutive session of the Municipality Council. Because of all of this, CDU Kotor Varos addressed an objection to the regional OSCE Office in Banja Luka, and the objection will also be addressed to the OSCE Ambassador Frowick.

Tuzla – BiH Federation Army held a training course in Tuzla. An RS Army is also attending the course, for the reasons of the military aspects of the DPA implementation. Together with the OSCE representatives, Major General Zec, and Colonel Cvijetic observed the course and talked to the BiH Army officials.

Brcko – The Italian Government approved another 8 million DEM for renewal of Brcko economy.

– On the October 24, in the presence of number of eye-witnesses, a “Merhamet” employee Jasarevic was beaten by a group of refugees from Bokovac, led by Simo Radic.