Zenica miners work tomorrow, is the last decision of the Zenica Mines Strike Board. This is also the standpoint of the BiH Syndicate, after the Syndicate President, Hrle informed the miners about the results of his discussions with BiH President Izetbegovic in Sarajevo. Izetbegovic’s cabinet announced that Zenica/Doboj Canton Minister of Internal Affairs, Semsudin Mehmedovic resigned at his post as an expression of moral responsibility for yesterday’s events. Hrle also said that Izetbegovic, after consulting with the responsible, decided that all miners will receive full March salary up to 15 of May while April salaries should be allocated up to June 10. Izetbegovic condemned usage of force over the miners yesterday. BiH parties SDA and SDP also supported Zenica miners and condemned the violence against them.
SFOR and IPTF commenced inspection of 10 facilities of the civilian police and 5 of special police forces, in order to check whether the policemen are following IPTF instructions. UN spokesman Ivanko and SFOR spokesman Clark refuted the claims that the purpose of the action is to search chambers of the former RS Prime Minister Klickovic and refused to answer journalists question how the joint police forces will inspect the building where BiH Presidency member Krajisnik is located.
RS Assembly continued its session in Banja Luka. Completely different approach than Dodik made yesterday, as a vision of work, BiH Presidency member Krajisnik brought living and RS political orientation. Officially, Krajisnik was supposed to report about his work, but it was a nationalist speech, clearly determined against joint living. He started with pointing out his credibility, which is that there are so little joint institutions remained, that he will persistently continue to strive against reintegration of BiH and that he refused several laws. He criticized the Government for cooperation with the Federation, creation of the joint Railway Corporation, and put refugee return in strategic and humanitarian categories. He clearly stated against the initiative upon which Bosniaks and Croats would be constitutive nations in the RS and he several times called Bosniaks Moslems. He also severely criticized IC representatives saying that their moves are damaging Serb people and the RS integrity. He also called the new Government collaborationist, incompetent and fatal for the RS and appealed on them to offer their resignation. Krajisnik also stressed several times that he stands for the DPA implementation and added he will not candidate for any function in September.
Federal Government held a session in Mostar adopting several amendments on the Draft Law on pension and Invalidity Insurance, information on CAFAO proposals on reorganization of the tax service and customs service in the Federation. The Government also resolved several problems in the terms of abolishing the parallel institutions in the Federation, which is one of the conclusions of the recent Federation Forum session.
BH TV also brought coverage of BiH delegation participation at the World Bank Assembly session in Kiev and Clinton’s speech in Berlin on 50 years of Air Bridge in Berlin.
SDA held a press conference and said, among other things, that OBN TV is turning into some sort of black chronic, and that facts that OBN is stating maybe are not lies but are not truth as well, for the truth is but a whole truth only. This truth is very close to a lie.
RRTF held a regular meeting in Zenica, with subjects determining the strategy of work of regional offices, analysis of displaced persons return to Central Bosnia Canton, safety in this region and supporting of spontaneous return. It was said that it is necessary to cooperate with local authorities in order to support spontaneous returns. Local representatives reported that local information centers for return were opened in the most of municipalities of the Central Bosnia canton and Zenica/Doboj Canton.