Trial of impeachment of US President Clinton began today at the US Senate.
The European Parliament rejected request for resignation of two European commissioners, accused of corruption.
Negotiations on succession of former Yugoslavia property continued today in Brussels. Meeting of Foreign Trade Minister Kurtovic with members of the succession expert’s and negotiations team was held in Sarajevo, as suggested by CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic. It was decided that the proposal is unacceptable and unfair for BiH. It was agreed that CoM Co-chairmen and Vice Chairman should meet with HR Westendorp, prior to their departure to negotiations in Brussels, and discuss the problems and issues related to the succession. It was also agreed that BiH experts’ team will propose establishment of the arbitration tribunal, should the adequate solution fails to be achieved.
Attorneys of three imprisoned Srebrenica citizens, from the Zvornik 7 group, submitted complaint to the RS Supreme Court on the verdict of the Bijeljina court from December 11 last year. The complaint also includes illegal arrest, physical abuse in police station, forced confessing, illegal apprehension and the right for everybody to be innocent until the guilt is proved. The complaint also demands new trial, which will assure respect of international human rights.
The “Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje” citizens association demands that US professor Francis Boyle be included in the team which will represent indictment for genocide, raised by BiH against FRY at the Hague Tribunal.
Families of victims exhumed from the Glumina mass grave demanded quicker identification of deceased in order to conduct preparations for funeral. In this regard, the State Missing Persons Commission, the Forensics Institute, the Association of Missing Zvornik Citizens, representatives of the Second Corps, and Tuzla Islamic Community held a meeting with Tuzla/Podrinje Canton officials. It was unanimously decided that this difficult task requires more time. 38 victims from Glumina were identified so far.
(BiH TV anchor) During the war in Bosnia, not only genocide was done over people. Monuments of oriental culture were also victims of war, among which is Aladza Mosque in Foca. A book about its creation and demolition was promoted today in Sarajevo.
Governments of Zenica/Doboj canton and Sarajevo canton made decision on allowing scholarship for children from families of killed soldiers, demobilised soldiers, and war invalids.
US Special Envoy for military stabilisation, Ambassador Perdue visited the joint command of the BiH Federation Army. Perdue met with BiH Federation Army Commander Delic and his associates, and discussed, among other issues, implementation of military stabilisation.
Kosovo information centre reported that Serbian forces opened fire from automatic weapons and shelled villages near Suva Reka. Four FRY policemen were wounded today when their vehicle went over an anti-tank mine.
OSCE Mission Head Barry held a press conference in Mostar, and introduced the new OSCE regional head, US Ambassador Garry Matthews. Barry also said that the new election law is being created with supervision of the High Representative, and expressed his hope that elections in this year will be held in accordance with permanent electoral law.