Paris – Quite unusually, the Central News started showing Paris celebrating the French victory in the World Football Championship 1998. With this, France joins the Club of Seven Glorious Countries which have won the World Football Championship until now.
Kosovo – The war in Kosovo is spreading. In the western part of the region, the attacks of the Serb forces are continuing. Agencies inform of their concentrations close to Pristina. The situation is very tense. EU Foreign Ministers discussed in Brussels today again possibilities for the solution of the Kosovo crises. Austrian Minister Wolfgang Schuessel confirmed that the EU is worried about IC differences in a bid to solve the Kosovo drama
Zenica – A double homicide was committed in Alibegovci, Usora municipality, yesterday. Two bodies of sisters Ruza (1925) and Iva Jelic (1931) were found dead near their homes. A team of experts has stated that both were killed by a sharp weapon. The Interior Ministry of the Doboj Canton has undertaken all immediate measures in order to enlighten on this case, reads a Ministry’s Statement related to the case.
Bihac, Tuzla and Gorazde – The information from these three towns were related to the return problems, especially those of two way return. The representatives of the Association of Refugees and Displaced Persons along with Union of the Associations of the western Krajina Municipalities from Banja Luka and Association of the Expelled Croats from the Northern Bosnia, demanded undertaking energetic measures at all levels at their meeting in Bihac today. Their aim is also to stop people from being returned to regions where they did not live before. We demand that refugees be returned to their homes and not just anywhere, Mirhunisa Komarica, President of the Association of Refugees and DPs, told the news. We shall write to all western countries, as well as to over 1.700 international organisations in BiH to find the possibilities for returns to pre-war homes.
Bonn – On the occasion of the Srebrenica tragedy, the German Foreign Ministry held a meeting wit the representatives of the Association of Endangered Peoples and the Association of Srebrenica Mothers.
Hodzici and Cancari – Around 20 locations of so called secondary mass graves from which bodies have been removed to other places, have been registered in the area of Hodzici and Cancari, Kelly Moore, Spokesperson for the Hague Tribunal Expert Team, told the news. 230 victims from Srebrenica and Podrinje were exhumed from only two of them. The graves from which these bodies were earlier secretly removed, were dug over with big machines so that the bodies have been mixed, Moore stated.
There follows reports from the regular parties’ press conferences. Sarajevo – A Round Table under the name Berlin Congress and BiH 120 years later, was held today. In the same context an exhibition of maps, documents and other evidences was opened today.