
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 12 Dec. 1997


12 December 97, 19:30

The Federal Government session finished today with the main conclusion being to support the Croatian proposal on special relations with the full respect of the BiH sovereignty and territorial integrity. Federation President Soljic and deputy Ganic were engaged on establishment of the special committee for special relations, while the Prime-minister Bicakcic and deputy Bilandzija will be in charge for negotiations on the Ploce harbour.

Commenting on the Bonn conference, CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic said he has the same opinion even after the conference, and that the adopted document is a compromise, and there is no more time for that. Silajdzic added that there is an impression that the IC still does not want to meet with the essence of the problem. As said by Silajdzic, the main problem is that the state is melting down, while the entities are going stronger. Dr. Begic said that this is the first time after the Dayton, that a truly regional approach to the problem of refugees has been expressed. The Bonn conference also covered the matter of Serb refugees from Croatia, in accordance to which, they will have the possibility to choose the entity citizenship, while they still hold refugee status. Silajdzic commented on the Serb delegation walkout from the conference, saying: “I felt as if Great Serbia was leaving the conference.”

Flash news

  • The US President Clinton and the German Chancellor Kohl discussed the matter of Bosnia over a half hour phone conversation. It is supposed that the hot subject of troops remaining was also discussed.
  • The Permanent NATO-Russia Committee discussed the matter of Bosnia at their regular session. The conclusions of the Bonn conference were also praised.


The official RS Parliamentary election results were published today by the Provisional Election Committee. SP RS won 9 seats in the Parliament, SDS – 24, SNS – 15, SDP BiH – 2, SNS Federation – 2, SRS – 15, and the CDU BiH – 16 seats. All members of the PEC signed the document except for the RS representative, Kovac. Kovac explained that he did not want to sign the results, because of the RS objections to the voter registration and voting in the Federation.

Presidency Member Zubak received the OSCE mission deputy, Ellerkmann. The subject of the discussion was the implementation of the election results on the area of BiH and the BiH Federation, as well as the recent elections in the RS.

ICTY representatives made notifications of the documents in Prijedor municipality building from the time when Dr. Milan Kovacevic was the Municipality President. As unofficially reported, the documents might be used as the evidence in the Hague.

MMF again prolonged the discussion on the entry of FRY. US representative Gelbard commented the FRY walkout in Bonn, saying that such behaviour will not help their entry to the international organisations.

The refugee association from Bosanska Krajina asked from UNHCR to announce Banja Luka, Prijedor, Bosanski Novi, and Bosanska Dubica as open cities.