
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 11 Nov. 1997


11 November 97, 19:30

Sarajevo – The women of Srebrenica held a peaceful rally today in order to remind once again on crimes done against Srebrenica citizens. They demanded, along with the BiH section of Jeopardised People’s Society (JPS), the truth about their male family members who are at most considered missing. Except for this, the rally participators conveyed demands to OHR, OSCE and the US Ambassador for immediate release of three Srebrenica citizens, imprisoned in Zvornik. Because of their business, Westendorp, Frowick and Kauzlarich were unable to receive their demands, so they were handed to their deputies. BiH JPS representative said that, unfortunately, the passers-by looked suspiciously at the rally, with a few insulting comments. BiH TV news comment

Except for the imprisoned in Zvornik, it is difficult to find another example of jeopardised people, who are supposed to be under international protection. But, still, there is a hope in the form of Zielch’s brave voice, who keeps warning the World that Srebrenica must not be forgotten.

Sarajevo – Another obstruction came from the Serb side today, when SDS representatives did not attend the session of the Federation Collegium. Since there is a number of obstructions, HoP Chairman Campara decided to proceed with the meeting. Campara said that the sessions of both Houses of the Parliament will be held as scheduled.

Sarajevo – Yesterday, BiH President Izetbegovic refused the proposals from Croatian President Tudjman, about special relations with BiH Federation, and establishment of the Council for Co-operation between Croatia and BiH. Izetbegovic’s First Advisor Hajric said that Tudjman’s proposals were considered in a circle of President’s closest associates. Izetbegovic refused the proposals as unacceptable for the State of BiH. However, Tudjman attached three identical letters to all sides, and an official reply was not sent yet from either of those. US officials in Zagreb think that this proposals were politicised in order to decrease the US pressure on the Ploce Harbour negotiations. OHR also austerely condemned the Croatian proposals, as a violation of BiH sovereignty.

Sarajevo – Presidency member Zubak addressed a letter to HR Westendorp, his deputy Klein, ambassadors of the Contact Group countries, and Ombudsperson office in Sarajevo. In his letter, Zubak informs them about Housing problems and problems of ownership. Zubak also supports the OHR proposal on the Law on Housing and says that the leadership officially fully supports refugee return, but doing everything opposite. Zubak stressed a difficult position of 15.000 Croats disabled to return because of the current housing laws.

Zubak received Sarajevo Canton Croats delegation, who informed him about the status of Croats in the Canton. According to their reports, the political and legal life in BiH is proceeding, passing Croat officials by. According to them, the most important problem is the existence of parallel illegal institutions that rule complete social life in the Canton. As they said, one of main problems is disabling Croats to use their pre-war houses, and to take part in public enterprises management’s.

Sarajevo – Izetbegovic received US Ambassador Kauzlarich. The discussion considered the items on the agenda of tomorrow’s Federation Forum session.

CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic also held discussions with Kauzlarich, discussing the Human Rights and refugee return. Silajdzic stressed the need for establishing a law on equal treatment of all people, regarding the matter of property and ownership.

The Federation Prime-Minister Bicakcic also received Kauzlarich. At their discussion, it was concluded that the BiH Federation Forum is an institution that incites positive processes in BiH. Bicakcic informed Kauzlarich about the Position of the Federal Government regarding the housing problem.

Bicakcic also received the World Bank Manager for BiH, O’Sullivan. The matter of public finances was also discussed, and in regard with this, a new credit from the WB is expected, for the amount of 100 million KM. Bicakcic warned O’Sullivan about inadequate assistance of international donors in the Industry Reconstruction programme.

Sarajevo – The Federation Co-ordination Board for Reconstruction held a session today, and determined that the reconstruction programme is behind schedule for this year. Bicakcic said that the credits for the reconstruction programme total with $1.4 billion, out of which, only $508 million has been approved. It was concluded that all the donors from Brussels must be reminded of their obligations regarding the reconstruction programme.

Sarajevo – UN spokesman Ivanko said that IPTF is investigating the recent murders in Kalesija. Ivanko said that IPTF contacted Zvornik Police Commander, who expressed his willingness for assistance to the Federation Police, during the investigation of this case.

SFOR spokesman Riley brought detailed report about yesterday’s SFOR action in Doboj, where SFOR discharged 83 policemen, and confiscated 83 pieces of small calibre weapons, 10 shotguns, 7 grenades, and about 25.000 bullets for small calibre.

Ivanko said that during the routine control of precinct in Kladanj, IPTF discovered a fair amount of “unconventional” police equipment – 20 hand-grenades, 7 mortars, and 17 land-mines, which will be confiscated and destroyed.

OHR spokesman Bullivant refuted the media claims about arbitrage in Usora municipality, and stressed that the only reasonable solution for BiH is the full engagement of elected joint institutions.

Answering the question whether the Mostar HTV has broadcast the report given by the Media Experts Committee, OSCE spokesman Verheydn said that Mostar HTV informed OSCE that they are unable to report it, due to technical problems.

Mostar – the Head of regional OHR Sir Martin Garrod said that OHR and OSCE are working together on the implementation of election results in Mostar, and expressed his regrets that the municipality councils were not formed yet. Garrod said that this could have been done if the Mostar Transferring Statute was fully implemented.

OSCE Director for Mostar Foley said that HTV Mostar is under reconstruction, and in search for a new general editor, after Sutalo resigned at the post.

UN spokeswoman Moore said that joint police forces establishment has been completed, and that the co-operation is full.

A source close to OHR Mostar said that election results of Coalition for DUBiH and HDZ results in Mostar are close to be implemented. The same source said that Foley and Garrod made the official proposal for this, accepted by CDU but still not by HDZ.