
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 10 Sept. 1997


10 September 97, 19:30

Sarajevo – RS member in the BH Presidency Momcilo Krajisnik notified the BiH CoM that he was not able to attend the scheduled session due to technical reasons. The report underlined that Krajisnik gave personal assurances that he would attend the next session scheduled for Friday and that the unresolved issue of distribution of ambassadorial posts could be quickly resolved since all the three members of the Presidency reportedly had prepared lists of candidates.

Sarajevo – The Office of the Chairman of the BiH Presidency issued a statement informing that Chairman Izetbegovic received Iranian Ambassador to BiH, Muhamed Ibrahim Taherian to discuss the forthcoming elections and the impasse in the work of the joint BiH institutions caused by RS representatives.

Sarajevo – The media reported extensively on the commemoration ceremony and burial of BiH Ambassador to Slovenia Ugljesa Uzelac. Numerous state officials and other dignitaries attended the ceremony.

Belgrade – US Special Envoy Robert Gelbard stated that the US would exert pressure on Belgrade and Zagreb for holding of the local elections in BiH as scheduled. In support of this, the media reported that HR Carlos Westendorp and his Deputy Jacques Klein held talks with FRY President Slobodan Milosevic and Momcilo Krajisnik, member of the BiH Presidency. As a result of this meeting, HR Carlos Westendorp received assurances that the local elections would be held in the RS.

In the last 24 hours, SFOR troops have conducted a thorough search of 74 buses leaving Banja Luka, stated SFOR Spokesman Maj. Riley. He underscored that no weapons were found, and added that SFOR troops registered a rally of 600 people in Brcko, who according to some reports, did not receive the promised amount of 400 DM for their participation in the SDS Assembly in Banja Luka on Monday. The SFOR Spokesman told the press that at the beginning of the incident, SFOR offered to evacuate hard-liners out of the Hotel Bosna, but the offer was turned down.

The HR Principle Deputy confirmed this statement and added that SDS followers came to Banja Luka to cause unrest.

The report highlighted that RS President Plavsic proposed to Momcilo Krajisnik to arrange for alternative broadcasts from Pale and Banja Luka in order to reduce tensions, but that Krajisnik refused her offer.

Sarajevo – UN Spokesman Alex Ivanko presented an IPTF report on two incidents in Jajce last month when one Bosniak civilian was killed and others expelled. According to Ivanko, the local police in Jajce failed to respond to the situation or even deliberately chose to ignore their duties. IPTF advised FBiH authorities to carry out an investigation and dismiss chief of police and his deputy in Jajce. Vladimir Soljic, President of the FBH responded to this report by saying that the proposed measures were too severe but did not question factual context on behavior of police, said Ivanko.