10 February 98, 19:30
At the arbitration session for Brcko in Vienna, the standout of the RS Prime-Minister Dodik could be put in one sentence: “Give me Brcko, and you will have democratisation of the RS and BiH.” Dodik also asked for abolishing of the Supervision in Brcko, explaining that his Government is capable enough to continue with the progress in this area. Dodik added that Bosniaks could have the local authority in the city, but Brcko should remain formally and legally in the RS. Dodik also promised that if Brcko goes to the RS, he can guarantee the return of 70.000 Bosniaks to the RS. He refused a district option, adding that if Brcko would become BiH Federation city his government would fail, which could endanger the peace process in BiH. After Dodik’s standout, CDU BiH representative in Vienna, Jusufovic withdrawn his support, previously given to Dodik, explaining that Dodik is Milosevic’s extended hand, and far more hard-lined, than any hard-liner in Pale. * The RS President Plavsic held a press conference in Vienna, saying that she met with Austrian Minister Schussel, discussing the matters of political and economic situation in BiH. Plavsic added she supports Dodik’s standpoint.
ICG published report about Brcko arbitration which proposes the joint authorities of both entities in Brcko. ICG considers that giving Brcko to one of the entities might lead to ‘winners and losers’ and strengthening of the hard-liners.
BiH President Izetbegovic’s cabinet made an announcement regarding yesterday’s welcome of Plavsic in Paris. The announcement says that yesterday’s greeting of Plavsic in Paris represents a huge offence of France towards BiH and its citizens. It was also said that if it is not a rude illusion, this act can be explained only as typical arrogance of a great force towards a little country that fights for its existence. It was also said that this is another disappointment after Gen. Janvier prevented UNPROFOR’s assistance in Srebrenica, and thus contributed to this adversity, the biggest human tragedy after World War Two. It is also not coincidence that the French soldiers are those who refuse co-operation with the Hague Tribunal.
UN spokesman Ivanko said that Hague Prosecutor has received the file on murder of Hakija Turajlic. Ivanko said that the prosecutor’s office has three possibilities: to hand the case over to the Hague Tribunal, to judge if there is a legal basis for a trial upon a crime on national level, or to establish there is no legal basis for the trial.
The wall between two entities in Dobrinja is being built by a group of about 100 Serb citizens, led by certain Dragan Savic. The wall was built at he road, thus blocking the traffic between the two entities, for the reasons of protest against the arrest of Goran Vasic. IPTF and SFOR were present at the site, but did not disable building of the wall.
The CoM held a session discussing the matters of the budget for the next year and organisation of the ministries. CoM Co-chairman Bosic said that HR deputy Schumacher asked the CoM representatives to accept the arbitration decision which Serb side refused to do. CoM Silajdzic said that OHR should use its authority and arbitrate in the decision on CoM, because the sitting in the Museum will go no longer. Asked about the opinion about the Wall in Dobrinja, Silajdzic said:” What wall? We are not going to make some Berlin walls now…” Answering the same question, Bosic said: “I will see what is the situation and try to resolve it.”
BiH Presidency member Zubak met with the UN Human Rights Special Envoy, Rehn, discussing the matter of refugee return. Rehn also met with the BiH FA Minister Prlic.
Croats from the Paklarevo village nearby Travnik addressed a letter to the Federation MUP asking for assistance in their return. They said they have the great fear of Mujaheedens in their village who keep threatening them.