BiH Parliament Assembly House of Representatives held a session, and adopted the draft Law on Customs Policy in BiH. This law, valid for all BiH will become legislative on January 1 1999. After a discussion on criminal in BiH and freedom of movement, Tokic and Lagumdzija abandoned the session. Namely, Lagumdzija proposed that session might equally be held in Srebrenica, Cazin or Capljina, but delegate Tokmanovic found himself offended by Lagumdzija’s comparison of Srebrenica and Gorazde and replied to this statement. Proposals of the laws on customs and passports were not passed.
US Special Envoy, Sclar met with BiH Presidency President Izetbegovic, Prime Minister Bicakcic and Foreign Trade Minister Kurtovic. Sclar informed Izetbegovic on negotiations he held in Zagreb in regard with the Ploce harbour, and transfer through Neum. Sclar also proposed new elements for resolving these matters. Negotiations between BiH and Croatia will continue tomorrow in Dubrovnik.
OHR refuted statements of some media, that published HR Westendorp is about to exclude soldiers’ booklets from the privatisation process. OHR has no intention to decrease number of these booklets or to prevent soldiers achieve their rights via these booklets, OHR spokesman Attarashany said. OHR wishes the Federation Government to make revision of these booklets, so that soldiers might be paid rightfully, to avoid damaging other Federation citizens in the privatisation process. Attarashany said that the Veterans Union does not oppose revision of the booklets, but only to their exclusion from the privatisation process.
Fighting in Kosovo continued in the villages around Prizren. International Community officials said that humanitarian situation worsens and approaches the edge of humanitarian catastrophe. Kosovo Liberation Army representative, Demaci said that KLA is not fighting against Rugova, or Serbian people, but against regime and those who fought in Croatia and Bosnia.
International organisations representatives, cantonal and city authorities held a session in OHR Mostar. Main issue of the discussion was the refugee return to this canton and overcoming the difficulties in this process. Mostar Mayor and his deputy were also present at the meeting as well as the Governor and Vice Governor of HN Canton, regional OSCE head, Foley and OHR Mostar head, Sir Martin Garrod. Garrod said that main purpose of the session was informing the local authorities about all projects carried out at the moment regarding the returns.
150 Bosniaks returned to the village of Recice in Capljina municipality. Delegation of the cities of Mostar, Stolac and Capljina visited the returnees in their homes.
The BiH Association of Refugees and Displaced Persons held a press conference. Main issue of the conference were activities of regional offices in the return process. President of the Association, Komarica informed the press about proposal to announce Madeleine Albright a Member of Honour of the Association.
Biggest BiH exporter “Energoinvest” appointed the new General Manager, Nedzad Brankovic. Former Manager, Bikvic leaves for duty of BiH Ambassador to Indonesia.