
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 1 July 1998


HR Westendorp made the decision on establishing the Commission for Supervision of the Privatisation process implementation, in accordance with authorities from Article 10 of DPA. In his letter, addressed to the CoM Chairmen and Vice-chairman, Federation and the RS Prime ministers, the commission is being established for the purpose of supervising the process of companies and banks privatisation, as carried out by the BiH entities. The letter also says that the commission will not take part in implementation of the privatisation process and will especially pay attention to principles of non-discrimination and equality. The commission will answer to HR Westendorp and will submit its reports on regular basis.

Inauguration of the Federation MUP was held today with the presence of highest Federation police officers, HR Westendorp, international organisations representatives, BiH institutions representatives, and all ambassadors to the BiH Federation. This represents the implementation of the first part of IPTF commissar regulations about democratic establishment of police, which also produced the obligation to reorient police duty from protection of the state to protection of the public.

Kosovo police Governor, Obradovic said that Serbian police forces must de-block Kijevo, a village 40 km from Pristina. Hoolbroke, who called Kijevo the most dangerous place in Europe, expressed his concern that Serbian forces might soon go into an operation of wide range. Sources close to the Kosovo Liberation Army announced that Serbian paramilitary formations took part in today’s fighting near Pristina. Many victims from both sides were reported in various parts of Kosovo today.

NATO Secretary General Solana arrived to Sarajevo today. Upon his arrival, Solana visited RTV BiH and took part in tomorrow’s broadcasting “Argumenti”. For “Argumenti” emission, Solana commented the situation in Kosovo.

UN Mission warned RS authorities representatives, because of quotes in regard with organised prostitution in which police officials of this entity took part. The quotes are in regard with Doboj area and women originating from Easter Europe and former USSR and who were sexually exploited by local policemen. An investigation is being conducted due to possibility that certain IPTF monitors were involved in the prostitution. Elisabeth Rehn informed RS President Plavsic on this matter.

On Monday, July 7, HR Westendorp, along with Mostar Mayor and Vice Mayor will open the Mostar airport “Ortijes.” As announced by Sir Martin Garrod, on the same day, two aeroplanes will land on Mostar airport one from Croatia Airlines and the other from Air Bosna companies. Sir Martin Garrod also said that last 50 Serb citizens returned to Mostar (Ortijes).

Croatian border authorities do not allow Bosnian citizens to cross Croatian border with old car registration plates, although they have left BiH before the HR Westendorp’s decision on new registration plates. Croatian authorities suggested those BiH citizens to either obtain temporary plates or to go back. BiH FA Minister Prlic said he was not informed on this problem, while his assistants from the FA Ministry said that Croatian authorities were informed on HR Westendorp’s recommendations that BiH citizens who left the country before his decision on the new registration plates must be enabled to return.

BiH TV also brought a coverage on BiH returnees from Germany, who arrived today to Tuzla. Many interviews were made, and one of the citizens explained that German authorities have begun to force the people to return, saying that their country is asking for them, and when you come to your country, you have nothing, no rights at all no job, no apartment…